[HacktionLab] [FM Discuss] Press Release: Tunisian Activists Teach How To Bypass Internet Censorship

m3shrom m3shrom at riseup.net
Tue Oct 4 16:49:36 UTC 2011

> You /really/,/really/ need to have the code at least available for
> review (even under a shitty non-free licence) when you're talking about
> anything to do with security. There's a writeup WRT crypto, for example,
> at: http://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram-0205.html#1

Ok fair point. These examples were not to do with security, they were to
do with bypassing Internet Censorship, so that's a fair comment.

I think that the original discussion was that this content was not
useful for us. I guess that I after re-reading the contents, I have to

But anyway here's some more info.
Some of those tools are specifically for bypassing the china firewall
(freegate and ultrasurf) and the guy who co-ordinated the booksprint let
me know that 2 are maintained by falung gong. He did contact them to try
to get more information about how it all worked but communication was
pretty patchy.

So it's worth separating out the two books even thought there is overlap.
ok so maybe not too useful for us as northern hemisphere monkeys.

lots of good stuff in there.

In terms of what might be useful to use to include or link to, then I
think Firefox add ons section is good, the glossary is useful,

I have to admit I don't really understand proxy servers so I'll have to
look into that. Is this something that anyone here does or offers to
other people.

So the Basic Internet Security one is maybe the best one to get feedback
I'm ccing in sacha from greenhost.nl who convened the Book Sprint.

What do people think of the stuff there? vpn, mobile stuff, gpg etc etc

Any feedback?

Also they have set up their own diaspora install which is open to join -
so maybe we could check this out.

At the Flossmanuals meet we just had a planning session for a
'SprintCamp' which greenhost will convene and which I think we should
attend. It's some time next year maybe May?

The focus is Internet Security. The goals to update and localise some of
the resources already in the booki system, (including the new Tech Tools
for Activists book?) - AND to create course material for workshops /
courses based on this material too, which would be great for our tour of

nice one!

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