[HacktionLab] Booklets, and more booklets

penguin penguin at riseup.net
Sun Oct 9 22:08:28 UTC 2011

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Numbers from taking the booklet to Rebellious Media

Shifted 100 booklets.
£80.02 donated (plus 1 Open Rights Group badge)



On 06/10/11 20:46, Adelayde Skidmore wrote:
> Howdy,
> Penguin and myself with a good deal of help from Owen from Green Print
> have just collated the final 120 copies of the original TTfA booklet to
> go to the Rebellious Media Conference for Saturday - Penguin's taking
> these down to it.  We also got 200 of a HacktionLab flyer printed and
> these'll go down too.
> We were discussing what we do about running out of booklets before the
> new one comes out and the upcoming London Bookfair.  The Bookfair si by
> far the largest event and probably one of our best opportunities for
> diffusion and distribution of the booklet. 
> So, if we find ourselves without booklets after the RMC, we therefore
> propose the we do an interim run of 200-300 of the original booklet with
> a few quick ammends (see below).  We are up for funding this run
> ourselves, but wanted to know if there'd be any objections to doing it. 
> We intend to pay for collation and stapling :)
> A quick review of the booklet this evening led to the following proposed
> ammends:
> 1.  Add a clear "£1 where sold" or "£1 recommended donation" to the
> front cover.
> 2.  Add a very short introductory "Why should I be reading this
> booklet?" paragraph to the beginning before launching into the plight of
> Sanjay and friend.
> 3.  Replace the data retention statement on the back with more of a
> summary about the various projects linked to hacktionlab along the lines
> of what we discussed in Manchester.  Also add on the back cover and back
> inset details about the upcoming new edition and possibly mention of
> workshops and on-tour stuff.
> 4.  Add mention of Network23.org, BTM, Catalyst and Tachanka (if all
> these projects agree) in the text someone.
> 5.  Oh, and the cover will be a different colour because there's no more
> green card.
> Make the above ammends to the previous printable version of the document
> directly and send that for print (i.e. don't go via booki).   The aim
> here is to turn this around as quickly as possible.
> I realise that this is not ideal in that it won't be the new version,
> but I think it is a good plan to have some more copies to tide us over -
> so this will be version 1.1.
> Please respond on this, especially Ben G, as soon as possible, with
> ideas and especially outright objections, but also any suggestions you
> have, as we'll be wanting to get this going by the beginning of next
> week to make the Bookfair.
> Cheers,
> Mike.
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