[HacktionLab] HacktionLab in London 4-7th May holiday bonus bonanza edition

Ben Green ben at bristolwireless.net
Tue Apr 3 08:31:20 UTC 2012

Quoting mickfuzz <mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org>:

> There was a call out made on this list asking someone to set up a  
> date decider. Check back.
> So, as no-one took up that call to get involved in helping to decide  
> the date then, I don't think that it is very generous to then  
> criticise people for going ahead and booking a random date.
> That's my feeling on it.

It depends how it was done. If someone just said "why doesn't someone  
set up a date decider?" then thats not really the way to get a date  
decider sorted.

Anyhow, not too bothered personally anyhow, if I'd have made the  
effort, I would have chipped in on organisation. We certainly didn't  
go to huge lengths to insure that everyone could attend Barncamp, just  
did it when WE had time. So it goes.

 From Ben Green

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