[HacktionLab] Whats in a name - 'hacktionlab' Re: banner/poster/flyer/logo for Spring 2012

Ben Green ben at bristolwireless.net
Sun Apr 8 13:13:46 UTC 2012

Quoting penguin <penguin at riseup.net>:

> That said, I think 'hack' has, for a long time, had a 'popular'
> understanding of cracking when used in computer terms. However, people
> within the 'computer scene' still have a broader understanding of the
> DIY spirit of enquiry (e.g. hack-spaces are as likely to be formed of
> electronics or safe cracking bods as they are coding bods). I guess it
> might come down to who HacktionLab is trying to appeal to.


 From Ben Green

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