[HacktionLab] Let's discuss BarnCamp dates, Luddites' gathering and G8 clashes

Mike Harris mike at mbharris.co.uk
Fri Dec 7 13:23:44 UTC 2012


I meant to say that, according to https://network23.org/stopg8/sample-page/
there's a gathering to discuss G8 stuff in Bristol at the Kebele this
coming weekend.

Anyone going to this and in HacktionLab/BarnCamp could possibly gather
some ideas and information and discuss possibilities for hook-ups.

On 07/12/12 13:10, Mike Harris wrote:
> Hi All,
> So the dates of BarnCamp have been set for the 13th - 17th June.  These
> are the 'traditional' dates we've done it on, or rather it's the 2nd
> full week in June start.
> The observant among you will have noticed a bit of a clash with
> something called the G8, which is going to be held in NI, near
> Enniskellen, county Fermanagh on 17th-18th June.
> We also thought there'd be a clash with the Luddites' gathering, but
> they've now moved their date to 25th-28th July.
> So, what to do?
> Some options might be:
> 1) Sod the G8, it's in Northern Ireland, bugger any other things and
> just carry on with BarnCamp, but perhaps have an anti-G8 focus as a kind
> of counter-summit (contracumbre), and even run a media centre from BarnCamp.
> 2) Sod doing BarnCamp at the same time as the G8 and move the date of
> BarnCamp way off into September 2013, right out of the way in other words.
> 3) Bring the date of BarnCamp forward by a weekend (if Highbury Farm are
> happy with this).
> 4) Merge into the Luddites' gathering and do that as a BarnCamp-Luddites
> combined event (if they're up for that).
> 5) And any of the above decisions would not preclude us taking part in
> the Luddites' Gathering anyway.
> There's pros and cons in all of those above. 
> I propose then that we have a discussion on this list, then once it's
> clear we have all the options on the table, move them to a decider and
> vote on it.  Any seconders for that?
> Please if you have any proposals or firm thoughts on this, can you
> partake in a debate about it, as I think we all need to be on board to
> make this decision.  Thanks.
> Cheers,
> Mike.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	Gathering on politics of technology
> Date: 	Fri, 7 Dec 2012 11:28:25 +0000 (GMT)
> From: 	Ned Ludd <luddites200 at yahoo.co.uk>
> Reply-To: 	Ned Ludd <luddites200 at yahoo.co.uk>
> To: 	Mike Harris <mike at mbharris.co.uk>
> Dear Mike,
> Here is a message we are sending out to a bunch of groups about our
> gathering. We have decided to abandon June 13th-16th, and the most
> likely date for ours now seems to be is July 25th - 28th that is also a
> risky period for potential clashes, but again we are constrained y venue
> availability. Has your group made any decision about your event?
> As we may have mentioned to you Luddites200, Scientists for Global
> Responsibility, Corporate Watch, and various others have been discussing
> a 2013 gathering.  The purpose of this gathering would be to support
> social and environmental movements by strengthening our awareness of
> issues raised by science and technology in our campaigns, to support one
> another and share information and skills, and further social and
> environmental justice campaign work. We hope it will result in the
> formation of an ongoing network of groups and organisations. We want the
> whole gathering to function as a kind of joint working group, i.e. a
> shared project rather than simply a 'festival of technology politics'.
> Amongst the topics to be discussed will be some basic issues in the
> politics of science and technology and discussions on the relevance of
> the Luddites; presentation of experiences in different campaigns and
> struggles, comparison in small groups; alternative visions of social and
> technological development, and the transition to a sustainable and
> socially just society; criteria for judging technologies and scientific
> research agendas. In addition there will be activities not based around
> talking and thinking, such as demonstrations and workshops on
> craft-based production, poetry, music, walking etc.
> So that this gathering can be a success we would like input from your
> organisation, network, or you personally as an individual.
>   * what dates would be ok in 2013 spring/summer for you?  what are
>     important clashes that would prevent people you know from joining
>     the event?
>   * how could this event best support the work that you do?
>   * can you suggest some possible venues, locations and resources to
>     make the gathering happen?  Ideally the venue would be accessible to
>     as many people as possible, so perhaps mid-England.
>   * please give your feedback on some of the suggestions that have been
>     made so far.
> We are hoping to do a three day event where people arrive
> on Thursday evening and leave later in the day on Sunday: a Thursday
> night: Friday: Saturday: Sunday gathering.  We are hoping to keep the
> costs as low as possible, and ask people to pay some money to cover food
> and camping/housing costs (around £50 per person for the four day
> event). We would like it to allow a broader range of people to
> participate- for example disabled access, housing of some sort (perhaps
> a hostel) for people who find it difficult to camp for health or other
> reasons.  The venue should have at least one room that can hold 60-80
> people. 
> We think that together we could perhaps organize such a gathering for 50
> to 80 grassroots activists.  But we need your help. If you could help in
> anyway, even so simple as giving feedback on this proposal that would
> allow this process to get started.  Obviously we are also keen for
> enthusiastic groups and individuals to get involved in organising the
> event.  You are welcome to join whatever becomes the eventual steering
> or organising group that does the work to make this gathering
> happen.  Get in touch at luddites200 at yahoo.co.uk
> <mailto:luddites200 at yahoo.co.uk>
> Kind Regards,
> Luddites200
> luddites200 at yahoo.co.uk <mailto:luddites200 at yahoo.co.uk>
> www.luddites200.org.uk 
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Mike Harris 
w: http://mbharris.co.uk 
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