[HacktionLab] Participating in real life or remotely in Open Video Forum

mickfuzz mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Wed Dec 12 09:46:00 UTC 2012

Hi there,

This may be of interest to some of you good people.

Please feel free to forward the below.

Just a quick note on how to prepare / participate remotely in the Open
Video Forum 13-14th December

*Preparing for the Forum**
Let your compadres know about the event, maybe they can come to the next
one or participate remotely. There are details of the event, its scope
and workshop outlines here.

Do join up to the email list for this event. (remember you can always
unsubscribe later!)

Please send brief overviews / links to your current / past work and
quick note of anything you would like to share or collaborate on to the
list.  If you can't come in person please try to share that info  by
Thursday midday then we can include that information in the remote
participation session.

And yes we can wiki! http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Open_Video_Forum

*Remote Participation*

We aim to try to make as much of the forum as possible available to
remote participation. But we have sessions devoted to it on Thu 13th &
Fri 15th Dec 15:00-16:00 CET

Google Hang out -  use http://www.google.com/intl/de/+/learnmore/hangouts/
brief updates, presentation of approaches if possible, showcases,
website / software walk thrus

*IRC - *We will also be in the IRC channel of irc.freenode.net
#transmission.cc or #flossmanuals - if Google Hangouts are not for you.

*Preparing for the Open Video Course Sprint**
On the 15th & 16th of December, we will create a course on Open Video
for the upcoming School of Open on P2PU.org.

We using a course of this kind as a way of mapping the knowledge and
experience of the participants of the OVF. We know that this is an area
where technology is emerging and changing quickly. The P2PU based course
is a format that specifically designed for informal peer-exchange of
knowledge. It's more structured than a series of wiki pages but less
formal than a text book or full curriculum.

If you are interested in helping us create the course - Sign up here. -
and join the course here

We are also going to use FLOSS Manuals as way of creating reader
documents to go with the course so if you haven't already you can get a
login for FM here - 

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