[HacktionLab] bethemedia Network meeting on same weekend

Adelayde Skidmore adelayde at riseup.net
Wed Feb 22 15:41:08 UTC 2012

On 22/02/12 12:20, chickpea (aktivix) wrote:
> Hi all
> On 21/02/12 18:32, Garcon du Monde wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:57:45AM +0000, chickpea wrote:
>>>> On 19/02/12 12:47, bou wrote:
>>>>> this is a proposal to have a joined meeting, with one day dedicated
>>>>> to one and second day dedicated to the other.
>>>>> Would that suit hacktionlab?
>>>> Fine with me. My objectives for any such event are ...
>>>> # Hang out with you lot
>>>> # Play with computers
>>>> # Lever cute critters into as many conversations as possible.
>>>> Long as I can do those, I'll be a kontented kitten.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> G
>>> Agreed!
>> i think this has already been vetoed. i would certainly be part of the
>> 'pub party' as i have no interest in btm.
> Was it vetoed in a meeting or in a previous email?
> Vetoed as in blocked?
> News to me.
I think he means that there's a lot of HacktionLab folk who don't
specifically want to be at the btm meeting, so will do something else
that day, or go to the pub.  Not vetoed as in a meeting or a block or
anything, just what's been mentioned on this list.
>>> I volunteered to help with logistics* in getting a space (LARC really) for
>>> the weekender.
>> i also offered to help with logistics. essentially, this comes with two provisos:
>>  a. i'm not going to help with logistics for a btm meeting.
>>  b. i'm only going to help if i'm able to be there, and i don't know
>>     what my schedule is yet for the coming months - but should probably
>>     find out next week (but i've been thinking that for the past 3
>>     weeks).
>>> Could we settle on a date soonish? LARC is a bit of a hot spot on the
>>> weekends so I'll need to clear it with the rest of the building users well
>>> in advance if we plan a friendly take-over for Friday night, Saturday all
>>> day and Sunday...
>>> Maybe someone can set-up a decider and hassle people to fill it in?
>> or we can just dictate a weekend that is suitable for the people
>> organising it. therefore, a different question: are there any weekends
>> that are particularly bad for people (and why)?
> I realise I can't do any weekend in April nor first week in May.
> I'm either away or committed to other weekend meetings.
> Happy to do something in May-June...
yeah, looking at where we're at and given that we just had a gathering
not a month ago, I reckon May/June would be great.  Up in Bradford the
general feeling at the end I think was to get back to having a nice
techie hack-meeting rather than the more introspective last two.  I
personally think that we ought to keep hacktionlab gatherings to the
original open tech aktivist forum format and let those involved in the
various projects who want to spend longer on them do their own thing.

if for practicality it's a good idea to have btm at the same time, I'm
up for it, I like all the btmers and it'll be good to see them :)
> -cp
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adelayde at riseup.net

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