[HacktionLab] Some ideas for Hacktionlab Jan 2012

M3shrom m3shrom at riseup.net
Thu Jan 12 11:22:48 UTC 2012

>  I like the idea Lukas, but I don't think we had any begginner friendly
>  workshops penned in for this hacktionlab, as these ones tend to be
>  (intentionaly) more technie.

I like the idea of this too but it is true that nothing is planned.

We could do a spot for 90 mins / 2 hours where we test our some of the stuff that we are planning to do as part of the roadshow. some stuff is just really easy to explain quickly. This fits into the idea of some kind of 'show', rapidly moving examples of software, why it's important, and pointers to what you can do. A presentation version of the booklet.

This may be something that we dont' want to actually _do_, but rather to _plan_-  but sometimes the best way to improve it is to a working version is to do a beta version. I'm happy to give it a go and do a few things in 30 mins if others would be up for it too.

I reckon i could do a summary of anonymous blogging (network23)&  universal subtitles (rebelliokie)&  be the media (aggregation&  smart filtering)  in 30 mins.

nice one

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