[HacktionLab] Exciting news from HacktionLab

protag protag at aktivix.org
Wed Jan 25 11:25:59 UTC 2012

On Wed, 25 Jan 2012 11:07:53 +0000, bou <bou at aktivix.org> wrote:
> On 22/01/12 22:36, Alan Dawson wrote:
>> Thanks to all at 1in12 who facilitated the smooth running of the
>> meeting,
>> accommodation and food, that helps make these events.
> Absolutely, thanks for that and for helping maintain such valuable
> resource for so many years.
> How did the inspection go yesterday?


<puts on 1in12 hat>

Passed inspection, hoorah!

Thanks to everyone for coming - sometimes when chiselling chewing gum off
the stairs for the 900th time it seems like the club might be a badly
misconceived vanity project, draining away potential activist energy into a
bottomless pit of dead-horse-flogging (and metaphor mangling).

Then we'll have a meeting/event/gathering whatever and it's a good
reminder of what folks probably had partly in mind when first having the
delerious notion that the officially designated useless people of the 1980s
industrial collapse (and their descendents) could actually be useful after
all, if only to themselves and one another, by summoning up a social centre
out of some pretty base and improbable ingredients.

I'd be deploying bouquets in the relevant directions about now but this is
probably the wrong list to go into all that, and I'd probably cause offence
by missing someone. A *lot* of people were incredibly generous with their
time and money to help the club get through this.



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