[HacktionLab] hacktion lab May 2012 workshop

Alan Dawson aland at burngreave.net
Wed May 2 21:56:17 UTC 2012

Hi all,

It's likely that we'll have our perennial gpg signing workshop at hacktionlab, so ...

In advance, 

- write down your gpg fingerprint ( example )
    - gpg --fingerprint  0xE81A4BBA

- publish your key to a keyserver
    - gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --send-key 0xE81A4BBA 

- If it's a gpg key for a 'real name' 
    - bring some ID

Whilst this seems rather boring and geeky...
what happens is . 
we get to meet , decide we like each other and want to work together.
but we forget to do a key signing and then cannot find a gpg trust path
and everything stalls for 6 months!

So bring your fingerprints!


Alan Dawson
"The introduction of a coordinate system to geometry is an act of violence"
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