[HacktionLab] Fwd: Introducing 10 Tactics Remixed - informationactivism.org

Mick Fuzz mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Tue May 15 13:06:33 UTC 2012


Project blurb:

New media has changed who has access to information, the speed with
which it can be shared and amplified and what it can be shaped to say.
Activists and advocates around the world have creatively and
strategically utilised these advances in information technologies, for
their campaigns and advocacy. In 2009 Tactical Tech made a film about
this called 10 Tactics for Turning Information into Action. This film
was used for over 200 grassroots screenings around the world.

Now, 10 Tactics Remixed curates snapshots of information-activism since
then, featuring stories of how citizens have reacted to and challenged
institutional power from the ground up. It also tackles the celebratory
view of social-media-based activism, reflecting on examples which reveal
just how information functions in a digital environment. From the
challenges of working with vast amounts of data, like US Diplomatic
Cables, to the misguided oversimplifications of Invisible Children's
Kony 2012 campaign, 10 Tactics Remixed identifies the emerging
challenges and opportunities of working with information in activism.


These guys want feedback on this so if you have comments it would be great to post them to the list and I'll pass them on. 

nice one

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