[HacktionLab] late homework - anyone speak Mediawiki?

Tom Lord toml at aptivate.org
Fri Oct 5 11:11:31 UTC 2012

> Hi Tom,
> My personal opinion is that so long as you state clearly and simply on
> the web site what it is for, that it is completely public, and how any
> data one puts on it will be used, I see no problem.

Thanks Mike, sounds like a good idea. Obviously the thing has been 
thrown together in a few spare hours at the moment so it definitely 
needs a lot of belt and braces stuff doing if it's going to be useful - 
my aim was just to have something to take to this weekend and say "are 
people up for something like this?" including to draw out any concerns 
like the ones that are coming up here, so it's doing its job already.

I'm definitely up for doing whatever would be good security practice at 
some near point in the site's lifetime, just probably not for a few days 
while I go to this gathering and then have a little collapse afterwards :-)

> The encrypted side of things I think has the benefit that someone
> sniffing the passing of data in between the user and the wiki will not
> be able to see what data is flying about, including user login details.
> Of course, you may feel that the likelihood of that happening is low,
> and if it's a public site anyway then you're probably right, but for
> some out there they may feel happier using it if it were over an
> encrypted connexion.

Ok that all sounds very sensible to me, and I also see Alan has just 
said something similar on these lines. Again, totally up for doing this 
at some point in the near future. Thanks both of you for the comments.

If anyone feels moved to get involved with it, that would also be great, 
and no doubt advance things even faster - maybe after the weekend when 
we see whether it's a goer at all :-)


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