[HacktionLab] Fwd: Re: [dev23] Made some changes to network23

Protag protag at aktivix.org
Sun Oct 28 19:09:21 UTC 2012


Comments on the situation below, esp

>in that it works,
>it's operational and supported

Northern is, indeed, not in great health as far as being a functioning-collective-which-actually-meets, which produces issues around legitimacy and what actions can be taken (i.e. nothing controversial, really).

Technically the site's still there and being maintained on a kind of life support basis, and has users.

People have spoken to me about getting a new collective together so I know there's interest (and, thus, reason to keep the life support switched on, even if it ends up being different people...).

And also there's Nottingham, so there are still places where folks can anonymously upload their grassroots activisty vids, if they want to.



p.s. thanks for all the effort at the bookfair :)

On 28/10/2012 15:42, mickfuzz wrote:
> hi there,
> does anyone have any comments about the situation below?
>   what advice we can give people in terms of uploading their own video. a
> service that doesn't log ip addresses is useful.
> it is possible to put in a URL of a video in universalsubtitles.org -
> straight to an mp4 ogv webm etc.
> so this could be a good option for groups that have space to put video
> online -
> I'd be interested if anyone has been thinking about this.
> nice one
> Mick
> --//
> mike wrote....
> another thing is that we recommend that people upload video to IMC
> London or IMC Northern.  With London closed and Northern not in the best
> of health, this advice isn't that useful.  Can we come up with some
> better advice?
> At the end of the day people will just use YouTube, Vimeo or Blip.  So
> perhaps if we don't know of a reasonable alternative (in that it works,
> it's operational and supported), we need to vaguely say that we can't
> support video uploads but that people can use a 3rd party service of
> their choice and embed it, but that to remember that services such as
> youtube, vimeo and blip do log your IP and other details.
> either that or we need to work out a way of doing video hosting I guess...
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