[HacktionLab] Fwd: workshop process and do you need anything specific for your workshop?

Mick Fuzz mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Sun Jun 2 21:17:09 UTC 2013

I just send this to the people who have offered to do workshops, but in
case I missed anyone I thought I would send it to the list too.
nice one

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	workshop process and do you need anything specific for your
Date: 	Sun, 02 Jun 2013 22:15:12 +0100
From: 	Mick Fuzz <mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org>
To: 	mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org

hi all,

Thanks loads for putting a workshop idea forward. I've just added it up
and there are over 40 so far. This is great.

I know some of you have put  your tech needs on the wiki here.

Don't worry if you haven't. We will try to have 2 or 3 spaces with small
speakers and projectors and some kind of way of displaying flip chart
pages. And there will be other smaller spaces for discussion based
workshops. Of course if the weather is good there is always outside too.

Friday is open space, feel free to do your workshop then especially if
it is a more experimental or longer hack session. If you do want to do
that get in touch if you have any needs or if you want to promote it a
bit to make sure people know it is on Friday.

Saturday and Sunday will also be 'open space' events but with some
overall guidance to help it happen smoothly. When you arrive we'll ask
you to do a short description of your workshop to fit on a postcard.

At the end of Friday we'll ask people to put a little mark next to the
ones they want to go to. This will help us select the right space for
the workshop. And then on Sat morning we'll put them all on the
'timetable grid' together and have a collaborative way of moving them
all around until we are happy. 

So this is all pretty organic, hopefully it'll be ok. But get in touch
if you have any questions, specifically

* Let me know if you have specific requests for equipment or use of
space beyond projector, speakers and flip chart
* Tell me if you know you want to do a longer hack session or an
experimental session on Friday and let's promote it a bit
* Tell me if you are arriving on Saturday, if so let's get a description
of the workshop so I can write it on a postcard for you.

nice one
looking forward to it

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