[HacktionLab] Recovering from and following up on this year's BarnCamp

Mike Harris mike at mbharris.co.uk
Tue Jun 11 17:29:36 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

Am in a hazy fug today recovering from a great 6 days of this year's
BarnCamp.  I hope you all enjoyed it, I certainly did, we were blessed
with the weather and had what I thought was the best one yet.  We didn't
have a closing plenary this year, so I wanted to say here thanks to
everyone that worked so hard to make this event happen.  It really paid
off methinks.

Well it's still fresh in my head, I've typed up a list of roles that I
think we need to run a BarnCamp.  These are certainly things that people
did, or perhaps would have done had we had them more clearly defined
before.  Take a look and do add and amend it based on your own
experience.  I propose that we develop them, combining some or extending
out others, so that we have a clearer definition of what crew we need
for the next one.


I haven't quite got the final scores on the doors from this year, but a
rough calculation is that we didn't make a loss :D  I'll send this
through once we know.

I'm keen for us to not to loose the vibe of this year's camp and the
connexion with all the many people who came, including many who came for
the first time.

So therefore as a follow-up I propose we put together an on-line
anonymous questionnaire and suggest to everyone that came that they fill
it in (is that in the subjunctive? Woodsy?  Llanos?).  I reckon some
questions such as "How did you find the workshop scheduling?" and then a
score of 1 to 5 with 1 being too vague and 5 being too strict would
yield some useful answers.  We could include asking whether people would
like to be more involved next year, what they felt that could do, and
finally some open comments for general feedback.

How does that sound, and does anyone fancy taking that on? 

Armed with a questionnaire I propose we send out a summary email
covering anything we missed by not having a closing plenary, like useful
links to things mentioned in the workshops, thanks to those who made it
happened, feedback, anyone who was just unable to pay anyone for coming,
details and ideas for future plans or events, etc.

Say perhaps send this out in two to three weeks? 

Lastly it seems like the cider was able to melt my debit card to the
point where all the numbers were wiped off and the chip no longer works!

All the best,


Mike Harris
w: http://mbharris.co.uk
t: +44 7811 671 893
0: http://mbharris.co.uk/keys/pgp.html

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