[HacktionLab] Updated workshop list for BarnCamp

Mick Fuzz mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Sun May 19 08:26:30 UTC 2013

Hi there,

I've updated the workshops on the BarnCamp Website.


Now, the workshops are there to give people who haven't come before a
sense of what is happening. There is space to propose more when you
arrive, and there are open spaces scheduled for short presentations of
projects and invitations to get involved.

I wanted to ask for feedback on the workshops that are listed there. Are
they a good mix? Have you got any to add that would add diversity?

One thought I had was that there there wasn't much to do with creative
production of media or design there and that the gender balance of
workshop facilitators could be less male.

Another reflection is that what is there looks really good and
interesting and I'm really looking forward to it!!

I also volunteered to create an eflyer for BarnCamp. I'll try to do that
in a bit. I'll do an HTML one and then does anyone fancy translating it
for non HTML lists?

nice one
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