[HacktionLab] Is HacktionLab a 'safe space'?

Garcon du Monde gdm at fifthhorseman.net
Wed May 22 12:52:53 UTC 2013


On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 09:34:26AM +0100, Mick Fuzz wrote:
> On 22/05/13 09:23, naomi at aktivix.org wrote:
> > Since there's not been much feedback from this, maybe it would make
> > more sense for people to start their own conversations rather than
> > have a formal workshop.
> >
> > I would still be happy to co-facilitate a workshop, but given how
> > difficult and emotionally charged these topics are, I wouldn't want to
> > attempt it on my own. Two people could help save each other from
> > getting too drawn in.
> I'd be happy to contribute aspects on running inclusive workshops.
> I'm working on a course along those lines with some of the creative
> commons folk and using a lot of resources from seeds for change.
> https://p2pu.org/en/courses/77/collaborative-workshops-in-informal-learning-spaces/
> I think it would be great to frame it positively, ie, how to keep our
> workshops and gatherings inclusive. As you say naomi, sometimes such
> workshops get really defensive and emotionally charged if it's framed as
> 'why are there so many white men here'.
> Anyone else up for chipping in ideas or facilitation.

yeah, kind of.... i was holding back from volunteering for this as i
thought it would be better if non-white men were running it. see for
example the suggestions i sent in the previous email. that said, i'm
interested in the topic and may well attend.

however, one of the things i think is quite closely aligned to this is a
"how to run a workshop" / "teaching the teachers" type session. i'd be
happy to support people in this (either when they're running a session
or before hand when they're trying to plan it out). 



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