[HacktionLab] [zylum at peacenews.info: Involving indy.im in Zylum/Weaving Our Own Web]

Mick Clearerchannel mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Sun Dec 21 09:52:34 UTC 2014

On 20/12/14 21:31, Mike Harris wrote:
> On 20/12/2014 16:07, Mick Clearerchannel wrote:
>> On 20/12/14 14:27, bou at aktivix.org wrote:
>>> Upon reading your email I note that your hosting provider is a private
>>> commercial entity. 
>> That doesn't seem quite fair to me.
>> Green net do some good stuff don't they?
>> In any case, I would say that https://www.apc.org/ the parent org, do go
>> beyond being a private commercial entity.
> Yeah I don't really want to start a spat, but let's not get into a I'm a
> better anarchist than thou position.  

And I think we can look at this situation and try to work out what has
'gone wrong' with the activix, n23, tech tools for activism projects.

I mean let's not beat ourselves up too much, we are doing some good
stuff with the time we have, but I thought the idea was with TTFA was to
pull existing tools together to create a kind of toolkit that other
collectives / projects could replicate. And then to encourage this to

Ok we have limited resources to do outreach and training but it doesn't
seem like this has been successful, and it a bit depressing to have such
a well funded initiative happen and not really take on any of what we
have been advocating.

Perhaps this is a good opportunity to really think about what we are
trying to promote to others and get this communicated very clearly,
maybe as some kind of statement which we could invite others to agree
with / sign / join.

This doesn't have to be hostile to those involved with zylum, but
hopefully could act as a deterrent to this happening again, and an
incentive to others to get federating and decentralising.

nice one

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