[HacktionLab] Memory consumption of Linux desktop

zylum at peacenews.info zylum at peacenews.info
Mon Nov 24 13:13:14 UTC 2014

Hello, Fascinating and very useful stats, thanks. I have been working 
for a while on trying to produce usable Linux installations for non 
tech' users of old hardware. Currently I favour Crunchbang which uses 
Openbox but I have also installed Lubuntu with great success, that's 
LXDE which includes Openbox. I am aware that neither of these are 
entirely free.

> If you're after something more usable, but still not
> too memory hungry BlackBox and JWM are pretty nice

I quite like both Blackbox and JWM but everyone has their favourite 
window manager so I am cautious to stir up that ants nest. However, I am 
working on an alt. install of Crunchbang using Fluxbox.

Why? Because Openbox does not allow the user to resize windows once they 
are maximised - maximised is a state, not just a size. There is 
discussion on the Openbox forums about this behaviour and it is 
intentional. Many users are used to being able to drag the bottom right 
hand corner of any window including maximised windows as this is 
possible in both Windows and OSX. Fluxbox allows this.

There will be a workshop specifically to try out as many distros' and 
window managers as you like if you care to join us in London on 10th 


I would be interested to share ideas for fave' free software with anyone 
else who is focussed on non tech' users of old hardware.
Benjamin (Brighton).

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SUBJECT: HacktionLab Digest, Vol 79, Issue 15
DATE: 23.11.2014 13:02
hacktionlab at lists.aktivix.org

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