[HacktionLab] Panel debate at BarnCamp

Mike Harris mike at mbharris.co.uk
Sat May 9 20:13:30 UTC 2015

I hear you clara, that makes a lot of sense.  I was proposing it only
really on the basis that it would be properly organised and if anyone
was up for it.  you've definitely brought me down to ground a bit there
- must've spent a little too long doing events with People & Plant I

like this fishbowl idea.....

El 09/05/2015 a les 16:45, clara ha escrit:
> Hi,
> I think in general a panel discussion only makes sense (1) if there
> are people on stage that have interesting insights/ideas for others to
> listen to, and (2) if they have a topic that they can actually discuss
> with each other about, and (3) a good moderator who keeps them inline.
> Otherwise the danger is high that it's just unconnected statements,
> followed by an Q&A in which half of the audience is getting bored,
> while the others just wait to get the word to give long statements.
> (At least that's my rather cynical view on most panel discussions.)
> I don't quite think that such a setup with experts on stage, and an
> audience passively listening fits the concept of barn camp.
> Having said that....
> How about an Open Fishbowl conversation?
> On a topic that we decide together at the beginning of BarnCamp, based
> on the issues that are relevant to the people that are there?
> greetings
> clara
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Mike Harris

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