[HacktionLab] General Election and BarnCamp

Mike Harris mike.harris at xtreamlab.net
Wed Apr 19 17:58:37 UTC 2017

Hi All,

Well who would've believed it.  This year, rather than another activist
camp clashing with BarnCamp, our dearly beloved, non-elected Prime
Minster has called a General Election for the 8th June; the Thursday of
BarnCamp.  Obviously this is a classic  move by the Tories to undermine
BarnCamp.  Such are the low, low depths that they will stoop to.

I thought I'd drop a line to say that I can't really see any way to
postpone BarnCamp due to the event.  I hope this means that all of you
coming early can still come and help set-up.

If you don't fancy voting for more of the same, then we can raise a
finger to the British democratic system together on the Thursday; of
course you can always decide to have someone proxy vote for you, which
is what I'm going to have to do (again).




Mike Harris

XtreamLab Internet Services Ltd
w: http://xtreamlab.net
e: mike.harris at xtreamlab.net
t: 07811 671 893
s: adelayde

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