[HacktionLab] HacktionLab Digest, Vol 109, Issue 4
acesabe at acesabe.net
Wed Oct 11 12:57:34 UTC 2017
@Charlie! Ha, follow the money and it will always lead somewhere bad!!
@Ekes When I said 'snuck in' was mainly referring to the press
conference the W3C had a 6am to announce this one, which Bryan Lunduke
was the only journo who made the effort to go to and ask questions,
initially made me think, good on you Bryan Lunduke...EFF quitting W3C
simply makes things easier for the peddlers of DRM etc..
The overall point of so called 'funding terrorists' is simply
journalistic sensationalism, but what is highlighted here to me at
least, is just how many in the IT and FOSS world and who appear to be
onside with 'freedom' and supporting open source etc. can also at the
same time be somewhat removed from actually knowing or understanding
what is going on in the world, many appear to simply repeat whatever
they see posted on 'official' websites, such as Lunduke accepting the US
classification of AntiFa as domestic terrorists (OK along with,
presumably, his personal experience of some throwing shit and trashing
things) and appearing to miss the overall point; resisting fascism isn't
bad because some of those who do so may not use the methods everyone
agrees with. But this of course is an age old tactic to smear any
campaign/group who are a threat to the status quo. It also concerns me
that I think many in the IT world and even FOSS world are rather right
wing (Eric Raymond anyone?!) which seems inherently contradictory (to me
at least) to the FOSS ideology and ultimately perhaps even a threat?
(when the 'Ubuntuization' of FOSS results in ultimate control of these
projects in the hands of the big multinationals, who's businesses
security rely on old (?open source) tech like NTP so NTPSec which is an
interesting case...)
I guess the whole techie/FOSS world will always be a spectrum of people
from a range of backgrounds with equally diverse political/ideological
opinions, what appears important to me is that, as Alexander points out,
don't simply regurgitate what 'mainstream' media or governments say as
fact, but ensure we are fully informed about any subject we decide to
express an opinion on, unlike Bryan Lunduke who's investigation stopped
at Googles result of @riseup.net indicating AntiFa were principal users!
(..Personally to me RiseUp! is nothing but a honeypot and I wouldn't
touch it with a Tor connection! ;-P Hit me!)
Apols if my mssg gets tagged {Spam}, probably my mail server not
optimally configured/located!
On 2017-10-11 14:00, hacktionlab-request at lists.aktivix.org wrote:
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 14:48:03 +0100
> From: Charlie Harvey <charlie at newint.org>
> To: hacktionlab at lists.aktivix.org
> Subject: Re: [HacktionLab] {Spam?} {Spam?} Mozilla funding RiseUp
> "scandal"
> Message-ID: <aa568357-3250-7d1e-6b2f-01b8f8de11a3 at newint.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On 10/10/17 12:55, acesabe wrote:
>> Personally I'm more interested in just how Mozilla manage to have the
>> funds to afford such generosity
> Hi,
> AOL helped set the Mozilla foundation up with a big grant, but most of
> their revenue is from the search box at the top of the browser.
> It used to be that Google paid them to be the default search provider,
> now its Yahoo! in the US. I believe they get money from Yandex in
> Russia
> and Baidu in China.
> So, given that Yahoo! search is powered by Bing, effectively the money
> for Mozilla comes from Microsoft (which is sort of funny if you think
> about it).
> Here's the latest financials I could dig out though they're rather too
> broad to be useful:
> https://static.mozilla.com/moco/en-US/pdf/2015_Mozilla_Audited_Financial_Statement.pdf
> There should be
> Cheers,
> --
> Charlie Harvey
> IT Director
> New Internationalist
> t: +44 (0)1865 403249
> w: http://newint.org/
> k: http://ox4.li/gpgkey/
> New Internationalist is an independent not-for-profit communications
> cooperative. Our multi-award winning magazine, New Internationalist,
> brings to life the people, the ideas and the action in the fight for
> global justice.
> New Internationalist Publications Ltd. is incorporated in England
> under no.1005239.
> New Internationalist, Old Music Hall, 106-108 Cowley Rd.,
> Oxford, OX4 1JE, UK
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 16:36:57 +0200
> From: ekes <ekes at aktivix.org>
> To: hacktionlab <hacktionlab at lists.aktivix.org>
> Subject: Re: [HacktionLab] {Spam?} {Spam?} Mozilla funding RiseUp
> "scandal"
> Message-ID: <be102207-4b56-04ac-b235-7129bfb36382 at riseup.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Think Charlie covered the Mozilla bit. So just a couple more notes.
> On 10/10/17 13:55, acesabe wrote:
>> who after noticing the W3C sneak in DRM into it's standard
>> unchallenged,
>> managed to single handedly expose
> This bit lost me. It was hardly snuck in. It was very public announced
> and campaigned around by numerous free* organisations for several
> years.
> Hell if 'The Guardian' was publishing articles about it, as far back as
> at least 2013, it wasn't _only_ in our tech backwaters either.
>> finally crowdfund himself to join (the W3C)
> He should probably join the EFF in resigning now, if he's not.
>> qestioning why Mozilla would fund RiseUp, who he recognizes as
>> "domestic terrorists" (as defined in the US).
> It's worth knowing that Rise Up is at least two legal bodies. One of
> them is a US 501c3 and is involved in doing code development work. I'm
> guessing it's probably this that Mozilla, and several other
> organisations, are donating their money to.
> It's not paying to host your e-mail.
> ekes
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 16:37:47 +0100
> From: Ben Green <ben at bristolwireless.net>
> To: hacktionlab at lists.aktivix.org
> Subject: Re: [HacktionLab] {Spam?} {Spam?} Mozilla funding RiseUp
> "scandal"
> Message-ID:
> <20171010163747.Horde.koI_RLL-HndmPZWe-pMXVER at slackmail.co.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed; DelSp=Yes
> Code developers who some consider domestic terrorists?
> Quoting ekes <ekes at aktivix.org>:
>> It's worth knowing that Rise Up is at least two legal bodies. One of
>> them is a US 501c3 and is involved in doing code development work. I'm
>> guessing it's probably this that Mozilla, and several other
>> organisations, are donating their money to.
>> It's not paying to host your e-mail.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 17:44:53 +0200
> From: ekes <ekes at aktivix.org>
> To: hacktionlab at lists.aktivix.org
> Subject: Re: [HacktionLab] {Spam?} {Spam?} Mozilla funding RiseUp
> "scandal"
> Message-ID: <e61d75a1-5a2d-7ad4-b24b-480353a99196 at riseup.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> On 10/10/17 17:37, Ben Green wrote:
>> Code developers who some consider domestic terrorists?
> And are able to run a 501c3 (US charitable status).
> Chat in irc pointed out that this is a bit of a right wing tactic
> that's
> going on at the moment in an attempt to stop left wing organisations
> getting money.
> ekes
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 17:56:07 +0100
> From: Alexander Ross <maillist_hacktionlab at aross.me>
> To: hacktionlab <hacktionlab at lists.aktivix.org>
> Subject: Re: [HacktionLab] Mozilla funding RiseUp "scandal"
> Message-ID: <15843a21-4a60-fd91-c99f-6a91cf5c0fd2 at aross.me>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> watched the first bit up to the point where he treats what usa
> "intelligence" related departments say as fact/is-the-case. if you get
> your news from outlets that have an understanding of the powers that be
> and the game playing then ya would know not to trust when usa
> "intelligence" says a left/attempt at good will progress (campaigners,
> journalists, politicians, biz man, people, privacy, human rights,
> environment protection campaigners, etc etc) is a domestic terrorist
> org
> is because they dont like them, not because they are. The called
> whistle
> blowers terrorists too cus the helped revel what they?ve been upto, to
> the public, they sure hate someone showing them up.
> terrorist now means group that we(powers that be) dont like. you have
> to
> learn the details of group your self and judge for your self if there
> nasty or ok or good but oh wait the uk bloody home sectary is making it
> 15year prison sentence, no excuse if the public read a website which
> they call a terrorist one. so much for fact checking and finding out
> for
> ya self... what diff group and people say.
> Take the people of rojava for example. turkey called them terrorists
> when they are the bunch of people least like terrorist but instead
> Anarchist, mostly good will but with sins like torturer of prisoners
> :(.
> sign, thats people in a war zone.) attempt to protect the land they
> live
> on from IS.
> check out the unsystem mailing list of the order news related to this
> and crypto currency, etc
> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/unsystem
> Jon Pillager did a interview with a old retired top CIA guy. It showed
> just what a asshole/monster these people are. he thought it was his
> right to fuck other people and if they cant stop him then it serves
> them
> right. A awful world/people/society view. I can dig it up if ya keen
> other wise if ya watch his docs and you will come across that
> interview.
> I had some respect for Bryan Lunduke but now ill will treat what he
> says more carefully. might face up to watching the rest... idk if i can
> face it. kinda feeling been there done that...
> I watch the realnews network. Leant tons from them. give me good
> detailed history lessons and interviews :) better than school was or
> sniplet mainstream, flawed world/howthingswork view media
> outlets/journalists!
> They interview different people. sometimes but not often, im not so
> sure
> about a interview but later they do another one with someone else that
> gives a different perspective an balances the prev one... thats
> something i feel ive noticed. so it looks like there aware of them
> selfs. so i think, in summery they try to give honest,truthful
> reporting and digesting. though they don?t revival all the details that
> lead to interview choices... i guess thats part of trying to not look
> bad by talking about neg things about them selfs. idk just a little
> detail i wonder about. on the hole there good. much better than Nova
> media or guardian. sorry i just like to give mention to any concerns i
> have about something, inorder to show that i care if there are any
> potential issues with something and hope for better progress. people
> try
> and do what they can. :)
> http://therealnews.com
> rss HD video feed so ya can watch without youtube. pop it into gpodder
> and use stream or download options in gpodder ;)
> http://therealnews.com/rss/therealnewsvideo.rss
> I donate/d to them btw.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 18:11:24 +0100
> From: Alexander Ross <maillist_hacktionlab at aross.me>
> To: hacktionlab <hacktionlab at lists.aktivix.org>
> Subject: Re: [HacktionLab] Mozilla funding RiseUp "scandal"
> Message-ID: <30a67664-63e3-98e2-552c-37260f7f21fc at aross.me>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> On 10/10/17 17:56, Alexander Ross wrote:
>> Jon Pillager did a interview with a old retired top CIA guy. It showed
> Wong spelling, John Pilger is correct
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