[HacktionLab] Hacktioncamp update - 10-11-12 June - now booking

m3shrom m3shrom at riseup.net
Sat May 21 19:45:30 UTC 2022

Hi there,

I just wanted to do a quick check in and say everything is looking good
for Hacktion Camp. I've been working with the college so we can stay a
bit later on Friday evening while people arrive.

Thanks to everyone who has got in touch to confirm. Me and Mike are
tallying numbers this weekend and to help us all make plans.

It's things like how many tracks of workshops to do at any one time and
to plan food and what is needed at campsite. (Currently it may be
looking like about one track for most of the time but perhaps 2 tracks
for part of Saturday)/.
And also doing many things at the college rather than at the campsite to
make it easier work for everyone. There's showers and a kitchen at the
college for example.

Here's the page to confirm again.

And I just wanted to include Mike's message again below.


On 17/05/2022 21:42, Mike Harris wrote:
> Hi All,
> I’ve done a bit of updating on the Wiki and the Workshops page.
> https://hacktionlab.org/index.php?title=Hacktioncamp_2022
> https://hacktionlab.org/index.php?title=HacktionCamp_2022_Workshops
> (not the corrected URL, the old one redirects)
> Now I am asking three things of all of us:
> 1) If you’ve a workshop/talk/session proposal, daytime or evening,
> please could you either add it to the wiki page, if you are able, or
> if not, please use the format described and email it to me and I’ll
> happily put it up for you, thank you.  And thanks to all for the great
> workshop suggestions thus far.
> 2) If you’ve put your name down on the Etherpad
> at https://pad.riseup.net/p/hacktionlab-2022 as a maybe and you are
> coming, please update it so we know you are for numbers.  It’s maybe
> been a bit confusing with the form and the various iterations, but for
> me the Etherpad works as an overall view of things.  Aliases are fine.
>  Either method is fine, but do let us know ASAP as we need to get
> numbers together for food and camping.
> 3) We can provide camping as described.  We can’t provide other
> accommodation, so if you’re not camping, then you’ll need to either
> book something yourself, like a hotel, B&B or AirBnB, or post to the
> list to see if anyone local can offer accommodation.  Thank you.
> And some information: we’ll put out a meeting place for the Thursday
> evening arrival, which will probably be the college, but we will
> confirm.  For Friday and Saturday daytime it’ll be the college: we’ll
> mainly base there as it has good facilities and is easy to locate.  We
> can walk folks to the campsite from there.
> Finally, I thought this flyer from 2017 might raise a smile or a
> little bit of
> love: https://hacktionlab.org/index.php?title=File:Pangolin.jpg -
> little did we know they were to be the spreader of a deadly pandemic,
> having escaped from The Wuhan Institute of course ;-P
> Really looking forward to it and seeing y’all,
> Mike x
> --
> Mike Harris
> XtreamLab Internet Services
> xtreamlab.net <http://xtreamlab.net>
> 07811 671 893
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