[HacktionLab] More talk suggestions coming in!

Naomi naomi at aktivix.org
Mon Apr 17 08:07:22 UTC 2023

Hi hacktivists,

I had a chat with some folks at the weekend who are keen to give talks 
at HL.

One would be a philosophical one but tech-related, about questions 
around identity and how they relate to the practical ways in which the 
UK government are attempting make their services more joined-up and 
available, with all the benefits and pitfalls thereof.

The other would be a techy one  about LineageOS, i.e. how to run an 
Android phone without being connected to Google.

Hopefully these will appear on the wiki soon!

Also, I was talking with Mike about whether wider talks related to 
politics or philosophy would be suitable, or whether people would rather 
HL be restricted to topics that in some way relate to tech. I've been 
doing a lot of research lately about anti-Zionism vs antisemitism and 
was thinking of doing a talk / discussion about that. And there is 
Mike's suggestion, "Ayn Rand for Lefties". I'd be interested to hear 
what people think of having such talks at HL and if there is anyone on 
the list who would also like to give/facilitate a philosophical or 
political talk/discussion.

Perhaps as we have two rooms we could dedicate one of them to 
"off-topic" sessions for a single afternoon or something like that.


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