[HacktionLab] recommended coding editor for new coders?

Ember Burns em at nvcdojo.org
Mon May 6 12:03:33 UTC 2024


As a survivor of the holy wars I want to take care not to advocate my particular religious offering in way that is divisive, so I enjoy how you invited discourse.  TL;DR I mourn the lost time because I did not stick with emacs.

After learning to drive emacs, I spent a decade in vim, tried sublime and atom and pycharm professionally and am back with emacs again.  I am lazy, my time is precious and I am happy to be now using knowledge that I learnt in 90's every day.  I am also neurodiverse and as I get older spoon conservation becomes more and more important to me.  Emacs allows me to highly tune my environment and that allows me to juggle more eggs for longer with less RSI. E.g. Indirect buffer with org-mode on multiple monitors, allows me to stay in deep focus, editing the same document on different monitors in different places at the same time.  Acknowledging that this is unlikely to be directly relevant to web editing, what is relevant is that I can use the same environment/interface for almost all my digital life, thus maximising the ease and minimising application switching.  And acknowledging that emacs is a steep and unattractive learning curve, especially in most professional situations 
where using GNU/Linux (and the customisation/choice/control that comes with the four freedoms) is less possible,







On 06/05/2024 11:59, m3shrom wrote:

> Hi there,
> I just donated to Pulsar Edit as I've been using it for about a year now. I still like to chip in to open source.
> It's a community replacement for Atom which was sunsetted by microsoft after they got github.
> There's a blog post about what someone likes about it here. I wonder if people agree with this take or if there are issues with it.
> https://optimizedbyotto.com/post/pulsar-best-text-file-and-code-editor/
> I like it as a relatively friendly way to interface code project with git repos.
> As well as a personal tool, it would be what I used to get people stared with web dev.
> But I wanted to ask other people. if you were going to teach someone how to get started with web dev -  What tools / editors would you use and why?
> nice one
> Mick
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