[imc-uk-emergency] Draft feature on DDoS attacks

Cass, Noel n.cass at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Mar 27 14:39:13 GMT 2003

me and jmp kicke dout of IRC, is it down??? what's going on?


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Croome [mailto:chris at croome.net]
Sent: 27 March 2003 12:25
To: imc-uk-emergency at email-lists.org
Subject: [imc-uk-emergency] Draft feature on DDoS attacks


That attached feature doesn't really have an editorial line because I
don't know what the IMC line is on this. Personally I'm posting comments
on DDoS newswire items saying why I don't think they are a good idea.


Sheffield IMC: http://lists.indymedia.org/mailman/listinfo/imc-sheffield

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