[imc-uk-emergency] 59945 and hidden

andi andi at syndicate.org.uk
Fri Mar 28 01:13:54 GMT 2003

lists are down AGAIN! to see how often this now has happened 
check http://riseup.net/mrtg/indy.html and look for sarai...


59945 hidden (nazi scum)

and 59933 - very tendentious reposting of AP.

"ISM hid senior Palestinian terrorist. 
Rachel Corrie organization 
So this is who people like Rachel Corrie were protecting."

Not even to speak of the corpmedia 'objective' spin by AP
on the Rachel Corrie story:

"An American activist with the group was killed on March 
16 while trying to stop an Israeli military bulldozer in 
the Gaza Strip. She fell in front of the machine, which ran 
over her and then backed up, witnesses said." 

"she fell in front of the machine"??? this already can
count for infactuality...

cheers, andi

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