[imc-uk-emergency] Regional autonomy wiki

societelibre at riseup.net societelibre at riseup.net
Sun Oct 5 17:05:21 BST 2003

hi all,

i created a wiki to start a discussion about regional autonomy, so that we can 
have a meaningful debate in Sheffield, and maybe reach some concensus about 
this issue. it is meant to be an open space, so please edit it and add your 
ideas (maybe with your name and your region...)! It's on 
http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Local/UkNetworkAutonomyDebate .

I wrote a - somewhat long - text about it, why i think it's important, etc., 
and explaining the three proposals addressing this issue i've heard of so 
far. I didn't try to sell my idea or any other ideas, but rather to explain 
what this debate is really about and present some concrete solutions and 

Hope it will be of any use, and that you will all participate in this quest of 
solutions and proposals to improve the network,

vince from the oxford collective

PS: I also had a long discussion about this on irc with ana and pault. If you 
are interested and would like to read the logs, please contact pault at 
burngreave.net . I tried to summarize it on the wiki as much as I could 

ZOMBIE - Zone Ouverte de Mobilisation pour Briser les Inégalités et Exclusions

Oxford indymedia

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