[Kc-orga] Post aus Amsterdam

Jan-Hendrik Cropp jancropp at restlaufzeit.de
Mon Nov 26 22:11:32 GMT 2007

Moin zusammen,

Hier eine Mail die bei der Anmeldungs-Adresse reingeflattert ist:


hi people,
i am curious to come to the klimacamp treffen. i am a finnish girl
living in amsterdam, working on climate change. but the problem is my
german is very bad. will there be other non-germans or possibility to
translate? so do you think i would get anything out of the meeting? :)
i would like to meet people before the klima camp,  also because there
are plans for a dutch klimate camp next summer!
thanks for the info,


und hier meine antwort:



I got your email through anmeldung(ätt)klimacamp(dot)org.
I think translation should be no problem really. There will be enough
people around that are fluent enough in English to take turns
translating. I would volunteer to be one of them. I personally think it
would be quiet good if we had people from neighboring countries joining
us, to get some coordination and networking going. As for now, however
there have been no people openly announcing that they would need

So far,



hoffe das war oke so.

so far,


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