[LAF] Hello: /Discussion: CHOICE OF DATE PLEASE

Ian Gregory aktiv at zenatode.org.uk
Sun Mar 19 12:45:58 UTC 2006

On Sun, Mar 19, 2006 at 08:41:29AM +0000, Volodya wrote:

> This is *really* annoying, i've sent the message twice already
> but don't see it coming through. I cannot do 1st, so pls make
> the two dates 15th and 22nd if possible.

Came through fine this time.

Scanning the list archive it seems that this is only the second
message you have posted (the first was your introductory message).

If you sent other messages they did not reach the list, or perhaps
they did but were rejected because you used a different "From:"
address. Remember, only subscribers can post to this list, and
the only way the list knows you are a subscriber is to check
your "From:" address.


Ian Gregory

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