[LAF] Fwd: Invitation to Anarchist Studies Network meeting at London Anarchist Bookfair
hooper_jackson at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 17 16:16:29 UTC 2006
Forwarding e-mail re: meeting at ABF...
--- Gareth Gordon <garethdonal at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 12:25:14 +0100
> From: "Gareth Gordon" <garethdonal at googlemail.com>
> To: info at londonarc.org, shop at freedompress.org.uk, rampart at mutualaid.org,
> 56a at safetycat.org
> Subject: Invitation to Anarchist Studies Network meeting at London Anarchist Bookfair
> Hi, I'm writing to you as a member of the Anarchist Studies Network. We're
> holding a meeting at the London Anarchist Bookfair next Saturday, and we'd
> like to get this invitation to as many anarchist activists as possible. So
> if you think it is possible, I'd be grateful if you could pass this letter
> on to your group, contacts, regional groups, or just print it off and
> display it somewhere for anyone else who might be interested. Thanks for you
> time and perhaps I'll see some of you at our meeting!
> In solidarity,
> Gareth Gordon.
> ***************************************
> Hi!
> The Anarchist Studies Network is a recently formed group of mainly
> UK-based academics who want to reinvigorate research within academia
> by building links across subject areas and by building relationships
> with other anarchist groups.
> Recent years have seen an increase in academic publications and
> doctoral theses that are either anarchist inspired, or are direct
> engagements with the history and practice of anarchism and anarchists.
> This upswing in activity is something that we want to consolidate and
> build on for the benefit of the anarchist movement as a whole.
> To this end we have organised a meeting at the London Anarchist Bookfair.
> Are you interested in finding out what anarchists are doing
> in academia? Could someone with academic skills (e.g. writing,
> research, public speaking, asking difficult questions, photocopying,
> etc) be helpful for your local group or campaign? Would you like to
> see research done on particular questions or issues? Do you have any
> other thoughts on how anarchist academics can help create anarchy?
> We're happy to invite members of your group to join us in this
> discussion in meeting room 5, from 1-2pm, at the bookfair.
> www.sgsa.org.uk
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