[LAF] Films?
Volodya at WhenGendarmeSleeps.org
Tue Jul 1 09:10:01 UTC 2008
My yesterday's e-mail didn't make it for some reason.
Also, Ed, Jesus Camp is 1:24:33 long.
-------- Original Message --------
Hi, on Saturday Ed and i discussed the possibility of maybe having a film
showing for LAF, so here's the list of things which are politicky enough in my
opinion... (sorry if something not politic oriented slipped through)
4 Little Girls (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
638 Ways To Kill Castro (eng).avi
A History of Violence (eng)(eng-com).ogv
A.L.F. - The Frontline.mpeg
Aaron McGruder - H2K2 NYC2002 (eng).mpeg
Adolf Eichmann: The Secret Memoirs - Part 1 (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Adolf Eichmann: The Secret Memoirs - Part 2 (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
After the Warming by James Burke (eng).mp3.h264.avi
Aftershock (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
Agony [1974] - Part 1 (rus)(eng)(fra).ogv
Agony [1974] - Part 2 (rus)(eng)(fra).ogv
Alliance - Weather Underground (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Amistad (eng)(deu).ogv
Anarchism in America [1983] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Animal Farm (eng).ogv
Atheism - Rough History of Disbelief (eng)(sub-eng).XviD.avi
Atheism - Supplemental Episodes e1-2 (eng)(sub-eng).XviD.avi
Atheism - Supplemental Episodes e3-4 (eng)(sub-eng).XviD.avi
Atheism - Supplemental Episodes e5-6 (eng)(sub-eng).XviD.avi
Babel (sub-eng).srt
Babel [2006] (eng)(rus).ogv
Baldwin's Nigger [1969] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
BBC Correspondent - War Spin - Saving Private Lynch (eng).DivX.avi
BBC: A War on Science (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
BBC: Chernobyl Accident (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
BBC: Five Steps To Tyranny [2000] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
BBC: Robert Winston - Origins of Religion - 1 of 2 (eng).mkv
BBC: The World's Greatest Conspiracy Theories - Mind Control (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
BBC: This World - Child Slavery (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Behind the Music That Sucks - 02 - Cherry Poppin' Pop Stars! (eng).XviD.avi
Behind the Music That Sucks - 04 - Killin' Cops and Hip-Hop (eng).XviD.avi
Blinkenlights (eng).mpeg
Bolivia (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Born Rich (eng).mpeg
Bowling for Columbine (eng)(eng-com).XviD.avi
Bullworth [1998] (eng).ogv
Capitalism and Other Kids Stuff (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Catch-22 (eng)(deu).mp3.XviD.avi
CBC - [2006Nov15] - Fifth Estate, The Denial Machine (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
CBC - [2006Nov20] - Passionate Eye Inside al Qaeda, A Spy's Story (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
CBC - [2007Jan27] - Our World, Our Fragile Planet (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
CBC - Doc Zone - China's Sexual Revolution (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Chechnya Film Festifal [2003] - 01 - Assassination of Russia (eng).ogg.XviD.ogm
Chechnya Film Festifal [2003] - 02 - Chechen Lullaby (eng).ogg.XviD.ogm
Chechnya Film Festifal [2003] - 03 - Terror in Moscow (eng).ogg.XviD.ogm
Chechnya Film Festifal [2003] - 04 - Murder with International Consent
Chronicle of a Disappearance [1996] (ara).ogv
Chronicle of a Disappearance [1996] (sub-eng).srt
Circus Suffering (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Civilisation - 01 - Skin of Our Teeth (eng).XviD.avi
Civilisation - 02 - Great Thaw (eng).XviD.avi
Civilisation - 03 - Romance and Reality (eng).XviD.avi
Civilisation - 04 - Man - The Measure of All Things (eng).XviD.avi
Civilisation - 05 - Hero as Artist (eng).XviD.avi
Civilisation - 06 - Protest and Communication (eng).XviD.avi
Civilisation - 07 - Grandeur and Obedience (eng).XviD.avi
Civilisation - 08 - Light of Experience (eng).XviD.avi
Civilisation - 09 - Pursuit of Happiness (eng).XviD.avi
Civilisation - 10 - Smile of Reason (eng).XviD.avi
Civilisation - 11 - Wonder of Nature (eng).XviD.avi
Civilisation - 12 - Fallacies of Hope (eng).XviD.avi
Civilisation - 13 - Heroic Materialism (eng).XviD.avi
COINTELPRO - The FBI's War on Black America (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
Color Purple (eng).ogv
Coming Out (deu).ogv
Coming Out (sub-eng).srt
Conspiracy of Silence (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
Crash (eng)(esp).ogv
Cult of the Suicide Bomber [2005] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Devour the Earth (eng).avi
Diary of a Nudist [1961] (eng).ogv
Discovery Channel - G4L - Lost.Nuke (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Discovery: FBI Files - No Mercy (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Discovery: Wave-Shocked World (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Doctor Zhivago [1995] (eng).ogv
Escape from Gulag (sub-eng).srt
Escape from New York (eng)(eng-com).ogv
Escape from the Gulag (deu)(rus).ogv
Fifth Estate - Unauthorized Biography of Dick Cheney (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
First Do No Harm [1996] (eng).ogg.XviD.ogm
Frontline - Memory of the Camps (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Future of Bit Torrent (eng).XviD.avi
Gandhi (eng)(deu)(sub-fra).XviD.avi
Geronimo: An American Legend [1993] (eng)(fra)(deu)(ita)(esp).ogv
Glen or Glenda (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Good Bye, Lenin! (deu)(rus).ogv
H3 (eng).XviD.avi
HARDtalk - Animal-Rights-Bomber (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
History Channel - Declassified Tainanman Square (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
History Channel: The Russian Mafia (eng).ac3.DivX.avi
Horizon - We Love Cigarettes (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Hotel Rwanda [MercifulRelease].avi
Howard Zinn - You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train [2004] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
I Am Cuba (esp).ogv
I Am Cuba (sub-eng).srt
IBM Verichip and the Fourth Reich (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
Idiocracy (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Igniting the Revolution - An Introduction to the Earth Liberation Front (eng).mpeg
Il Postino - Soundtrack Featurette (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Il Postino (esp)(eng-com)(sub-eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Inside Deep Throat (eng).ogv
Israel's Secret Weapon (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
Jesus Camp (2006) (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hitman (eng).adpcm.DivX.avi
Kidulthood (eng).ogv
Let Them Live (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
Liberation [2006] (eng).ogv
Lilya 4-ever (rus).ogv
Lilya 4-ever (sub-eng).srt
Lola (esp).ogv
Lola (sub-deu).srt
Mahatma Ghandi - Pilgrim of Peace (eng).avi
Manufacturing consent Part1 Noam Chomsky & the media (vo sub eng) DaveFromMars
Manufacturing consent Part2 Noam Chomsky & the media (vo sub eng) DaveFromMars
Manufacturing Dissent (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
McLibel [2005] (eng).ogv
Meeting Resistance [2007] (sub-eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Money as Debt [2006] (eng) .mp3.XviD.avi
Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve (eng).wmv
New York City Hackers (eng).mp42.avi
Nineteen Eighty Four [1984] (eng)(deu)(fra)(esp).ogv
Normal (eng)(deu).mp3.XviD.avi
October 1917 [1927] (sub-eng).ogv
Oil Peak (eng).mp4
Pallywood (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
PBS Frontline: American Porn (eng).mpeg
PBS: Emma Goldman (eng).avi
PBS: Fighting Child Prostitution [2008May30] (eng).mp2.mp4.avi
PBS: The War in Iraq, Through Photographers' Eyes [2006] (eng).avi
People & Power - Our new best friend - the Butcher of Andijan (eng).a52.DivX.avi
People's History of the United States (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Pirates of Silicon Valley (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
Power of Nightmares - 01 - Rise of the Politics of Fear (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
Power of Nightmares - 02 - Phantom Victory (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
Pressure [1975] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
RATM in Trotsky's residence.ogv
RAWA - Bin Laden v Wonder Woman (eng).mpeg
Refusing to Kill (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Revolution OS.mp4
Rich Media, Poor Democracy (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
Riddle (eng).ogg.XviD.ogm
Sad Eyes and Empty Lives - Reality of Zoos (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Secret Scenario [2007] (rus).mp3.DivX.avi
September Tapes (eng)(rus).ogv
Sex Slaves - Frontline Documentary.avi
Shamil' Basayev - Interview to A. Babiczkij (rus).wmv
Skinheads USA - Soldiers of Race War (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Sobach'ye Serdczye (rus).ogv
Sobach'ye Serdczye (sub-eng).srt
Society of the Spectacle (fra)(sub-eng).XviD.avi
Statement (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Stealing a Nation, A Special Report by John Pilger (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
Stolen Children (eng).ogv
Strike (orc)(eng-com)(sub-rus)(sub-eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Supersize Me (eng)(eng-com).ogv
Tank Girl (eng)(deu).XviD.avi
Thatcher: The Making of Margaret (eng).ogv
The Battle of China - 01 - The Battle of China (eng).ogv
The Battle of China - 02 - Land Grabs (eng).ogv
The Battle of China - 03 - The Rape of Nanking (eng).ogv
The Battle of China - 04 - Westward to Freedom (eng).ogv
The Battle of China - 05 - The Burma Road (eng).ogv
The Battle of China - 06 - Changsha (eng).ogv
The Code [2001] (int)(sub-sve).avi
The Free Voice of Labour - The Jewish Anarchists (eng).avi
The Naked Venus [1958] (eng).ogv
The Occult History of the Third Reich [1987] - 01 - The Enigma of the Swastika
The Occult History of the Third Reich [1987] - 02 - The SS: Blood and Soil (eng).ogv
The Occult History of the Third Reich [1987] - 03 - Himmler the Mystic (eng).ogv
The Occult History of the Third Reich [1987] - 04 - Adolf Hitler (eng).ogv
The Source [1999] (eng).ogv
Tianamen Square - Tank Man [2006] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
Truth or Dairy (eng).mp3.XviD.avi
TVO - Human Edge: The Rise and Fall of the Russian Oligarchs [07-02-2007] - 1
TVO - Human Edge: The Rise and Fall of the Russian Oligarchs [07-02-2007] - 2
Ugly Swans [2006] (rus)(sub-eng).ogv
V for Vendetta (eng)(deu).ogv
VeganGal.com (eng).XviD.avi
Viva Zapata [1952] (eng)(fra)(deu)(ita)(spa).ogv
Voices from the Front [1991] (eng).avi
Waco Day 51 - The True Story of Waco (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
Waco The New Revelation (eng).wmv
Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price (eng).ogg.XviD.ogm
War Comes to America - 07 - War Comes to America (eng).ogv
War Comes to America - 08 - Safe for Democracy (eng).ogv
War Comes to America - 09 - Tomorrow the World (eng).ogv
War Comes to America - 10 - Extraordinary Session (eng).ogv
War Comes to America - 11 - National Defense (eng).ogv
War Comes to America - 12 - Day of Infamy (eng).ogv
Wargames (eng)(fra)(deu)(ita)(esp)(eng-com).ogv
Wilderness [2006] (eng).ogv
World According to Bush (eng).mpeg
Zapatista [1999] (eng).mp3.DivX.avi
Even if we won't have the film day, if you like something on this list ask away,
i'll burn it for you... and if you ever wish to see the unabridged version of my
film collection you can ask off the list also.
Now my personal votes (in alphabetic order):
Baldwin's Nigger - that's the talk of James Baldwin when he came to this country
in 1969.
Nineteen Eighty Four - the classic really deserves to be seen if somebody hasn't
PBS: Emma Goldman - A documentary film, "Anarchism in America" and "Jewish
Anarchists" can also be a good one.
Tank Man - The story about the Tianamen Square insident
Viva Zapata - A bit hollywoody, but a good story about Zapata
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