[LAF] FW: URGENT ACTION. If you haven't already, please forward this email to work colleagues, relatives and friends. From the Children Are Unbeatable! Alliance
Joy Wood
joy_helbin at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 7 11:48:31 UTC 2008
From: campaign at childrenareunbeatable.org.ukTo: campaign at childrenareunbeatable.org.ukSubject: URGENT ACTION. If you haven't already, please forward this email to work colleagues, relatives and friends. From the Children Are Unbeatable! AllianceDate: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 09:56:27 +0100
>From the Children Are Unbeatable! Alliance
PLEASE SEND A POSTCARD TO YOUR MP - NOW!TELL YOUR MP TO VOTE TO END THE LEGAL APPROVAL OF HITTING CHILDRENCLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION... http://www.childrenareunbeatable.org.uk/pressureyourmp.phpIT WON'T TAKE MORE THAN TWO OR THREE MINUTESPLEASE FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO FRIENDS, FAMILY OR WORK COLLEAGUESWe simply want children to have equal protection. 'Smacking' is already banned under the law on assault – protecting all people except children. The law still allows parents and others to justify common assault of children as 'reasonable punishment' (section 58 of the Children Act 2004). This defence is unjust and unsafe, and must be abolished now.This simple reform will send the clear message that hitting children, however we dress it up, is as unacceptable and unlawful as hitting anyone else.Giving children less protection under the law on assault is disrespectful. Children are people with human rights to physical integrity and human dignity just like the rest of us.Hitting children as punishment hurts, harms and humiliates. Ending the legal approval of this violent and unnecessary behaviour is long-overdue.CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION... http://www.childrenareunbeatable.org.uk/pressureyourmp.phpThank you for your support.
Children Are Unbeatable! Alliance
94 White Lion Street
London N1 9PF
Tel: 0207 713 0569
www.childrenareunbeatable.org.ukThe Children Are Unbeatable! Alliance brings together more than 400 organisations and many more individuals to campaign for the UK to satisfy human rights obligations by modernising the law on assault to give children the same protection that adults take for granted.
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