[LAF] Radical Voice
steve ash
steveash_2001 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jul 1 11:54:10 UTC 2009
Yes, though I think I should aim for three a year, then I might manage two! Deadlines are a great idea but can also lead to rushing and spoiling,
but yes I think a flexible deadline would be a good idea. Given that we could reprint LAF transcripts and that I know quite a few original writers, acquiring content shouldnt be difficult, the main effort would be design and formatting, which I agree would be an important feature. I do have other non-anarchist publishing stuff in the pipeline and work commitments, but it should be possible.
I won't be getting over concerned about circulation and numbers, as economically it won't make any difference with lulu.com, and I think a handful of the right people reading can be more powerful than hundreds of wrong people. But it would be a bonus.
As for content as wide as possible would be my watchword, I'm not over keen on Bookchin myself, though including stuff I'm not keen on may also be a principle to observe! Maybe I'd mix old and new Bookchin for the contrast, I like his early writings. Hakim Bey I do like even more, but the 'anarchist censorship list' might be a problem, as with people like Bob Black. Though circulation will be independent and as much aimed outside the 'movement' as within it, so that may not be a problem. I'm also inclined to print 'unreasonably censored' works too, only drawing the line at rightist 'anarchists'.
My own preference for classic works would be Bakunin, Goldman, Stirner and Malatesta, more recent stuff could range from some of Bonnano's writings to counter cultural stuff, if I can get reprint permissions. I might write a few 'common thread' articles too, in order to create a sense of unity, and I like the historical aspect (though perhaps minus the idea of progress :))
If you have any articles you think would be right for the mag they'd be very welcome. Same for anyone else on the list.
--- On Tue, 30/6/09, Simon Collister <simon.collister at googlemail.com> wrote:
> From: Simon Collister <simon.collister at googlemail.com>
> Subject: Re: [LAF] Radical Voice
> To: "steve ash" <steveash_2001 at yahoo.co.uk>
> Cc: laf at lists.aktivix.org
> Date: Tuesday, 30 June, 2009, 4:49 PM
> Great idea Steve.
> If could add some comments...
> I think you should make it two issues a year - even if they
> appear
> roughly 6 months apart. This will help people who will know
> to expect
> the next issue rather than wonder if/when it will appear.
> Also, setting yourself deadlines means the issue is much
> more likely
> to appear :)
> I think you'll need to consider design - as like it or not
> a well
> designed mag is likely to be picked and read by wider
> audiences.
> BUT... good design doesn't have to be fancy design. I'd
> point to
> Rolling Thunder (http://www.crimethinc.com/rt - if you
> dont know it)
> as a flashy, well designed mag; but equally Lobster has a
> cela, smart
> look but is virtually undesigned. There's no online image
> of the mag
> itslf - but it's a wonderful plain black text on white;
> hand-bill
> appraoch. You can get a copy from Borders(!).
> I think padding with classic anarchist texts is a great
> idea too....
> but can I plea that 'classic' also means post-industrial
> anarchisms
> too.... e.g.the likes of Bookchin, Hakim Bey etc. In fact
> thinkig of
> it... you could potentially use the reprinted texts to
> provide a
> history of anarchist thought....
> Finally, I am willing to assist with
> editing/writing/etc.... but have
> a young family and not sure how much time I can commit but
> willing to
> offer.
> Simon
> On 6/30/09, steve ash <steveash_2001 at yahoo.co.uk>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I think themed would be too much like hard work, so am
> envisioning a couple
> > or more original articles, some LAF transcripts,
> padded out by some related
> > classic anarchist texts taken offline (as lulu.com has
> a minimum of 32
> > pages). Could even offer Ed some Black Cat
> reprinting rights for the Best
> > of Radical Voice ;)
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Simon Collister | www.simoncollister.com
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