[LAF] Re UPDATE: Post action statement from > no pretence

antines at yahoo.co.uk antines at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jul 7 19:04:57 UTC 2009

Why in a future perfect society would there be porn and prostitutes ?
Surly there is a difference between free sex and prostitution which by definition 
involves exchange of money,  in a moneyless world there  is just free sex
Future Society 
If we have progressed to a moneyless world 
why have we not progressed beyond 
the desire for porn ? 
This itself stems from the attitude to women
in present day society, the kind of men who buy porn do not respect women as equal humans, hence my point about perceived "beauty"
I stand by my comments about  porn and  sexual stereo types 
Sex workers empowered ?  Thats a Joke its like saying the slaves should have been empowered instead of slavery being abolished or ma be some slaves did not want to be freed  that was the view of many who had slaves . when they were freed there were  cries of  "this violates my property rights " (and compensation was paid to the slave owners). If female sex workers were empowered they would not be working as sex workers
I don't condom sex workers in general, but the ones who claim they have made a choice and want it to continue  (The ECP and IUSW  want the trade to continue
while making conditions better for a minority of those involved)   I do condom because of the effect they have on others. I do condom both the employers and the clients however on the sale basis
as condemning those who bought and sold slaves more so those who bought
as they could have put an end to it 
I don't understand your final point I never said anything about moral behavior
in fact I made it clear it was not about being anti sex, 
I do think the interests of the majority of sex workers who want to get out should be put above the interests of the few who claim to be happy  nothing
abstract about that. Sorry "rights" do not exist in a vacuum and if they affect other people something has to give thats why I am no longer a pure anarchist
though I share the goals in the long run,
 I agree state intervention should be minimal but I dont rule it  out as long as there is some kind of State and no other option for protection  and the need for protection which of course in the ideal  wprld there would be no need for

Ed McArthur   07981  900  563            

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