[LAF] Re UPDATE: Post action statement from > no pretence
VolodyA! V Anarhist
Volodya at WhenGendarmeSleeps.org
Sat Jul 11 10:30:14 UTC 2009
Hash: SHA1
antines at yahoo.co.uk wrote:
> *Why in a future perfect society would there be porn and prostitutes ?*
> *Surly there is a difference between free sex and prostitution which by
> definition *
> *involves exchange of money, in a moneyless world there is just free sex*
> ** =====================================================
> *_Future Society_ *
> *If we have progressed to a moneyless world *
> *why have we not progressed beyond *
> *the desire for porn ? *
Because we are visual beings. 80% of the input to our brain comes from eyes,
pornography is thus more "human" than sex (which goes through more "animalistic"
parts of brain).
> *This itself stems from the attitude to women*
> *in present day society, the kind of men who buy porn do not respect
> women as equal humans, hence my point about perceived "beauty"*
> *I stand by my comments about porn and sexual stereo types *
How many pornographic models have you spoken to? Most will say that their
clients are quite often interested in their personality, their likes and
dislikes, their day-to-day lives. Of course, when you believe that models
themselves are evil, you wouldn't want to listen to them, and spread the lies.
> *Sex workers empowered ? Thats a Joke its like saying the slaves should
> have been empowered instead of slavery being abolished or ma be some
> slaves did not want to be freed that was the view of many who had
> slaves . when they were freed there were cries of "this violates my
> property rights " (and compensation was paid to the slave owners). If
> female sex workers were empowered they would not be working as sex workers*
Eventually we must acknowledge that all jobs are dis-empowering. In fact i am
going to go and burn down the local restaurant the free the waiters.
> *I don't condom sex workers in general, but the ones who claim they have
> made a choice and want it to continue (The ECP and IUSW want the trade
> to continue*
Yes, because many of them escape exploitation by working in the "sex industry".
You, Ed, are willing to sacrifice slaves to end slavery.
> *in fact I made it clear it was not about being anti sex, *
Ed, what it sounds like you are saying, that you are
pro-sex-that-you-agree-with. But so is everybody else. When i was in Kiev there
were social adverts in the underground "love against homosexuality" promoting
people to have heterosexual sex to stamp out gays. They are also "not anti-sex"
because they support it, but they are still part of the "anti-sex" community.
> *I do think the interests of the majority of sex workers who want to get
> out should be put above the interests of the few who claim to be happy
> nothing*
But that's not the world we live in. We live in the world where minority of
those in the sex industry are trafficked, and majority are not. Just like in the
food industry, car industry, or most other ones.
Sure there is 'wage slavery', and that needs to be opposed, but sex work is no
worse or better than any other form of work.
- Volodya
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