[LAF] [allgendergroup] Demonising Desire: Men Who Buy Sex and Prostitution Policy in the United Kingdom
Joy Wood
joy_helbin at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 10 22:27:26 UTC 2009
Just a technical point: the title "Demonising Desire: Men Who Buy Sex and Prostitution Policy in the United Kingdom" is a gross misnomer. How can it be possible to demonise desire when a law has not been made against sexual desire but against using human beings as living spittoons. Furthermore, even if the law *were* against sexual desire, which it isn't, the whole existence of the sexual desire of the (mostly) women who are prostituted has been completely negated. No-one appears to give a toss (pun intended, even though I believe it to be no laughing matter) about the sexual desires of the women who are prostituted. In the title of this article it does not exist, is not worthy of any consideration, nor is it of any importance. The only sexual desire which is acknowledged is that of the person who pays to relieve themselves at another person's expense. Oh, and their 'right' to do so. In an echo of what I said in an earlier post today, you might as well cry over the rights of a slave owner to own their very own slave and say that anyone who is anti-slavery seeks to demonise the desire of the slave owner to lord it over another human being and make use of them.
> Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 18:44:11 +0100
> From: Volodya at WhenGendarmeSleeps.org
> To: allgendergroup at lists.riseup.net
> Subject: [allgendergroup] Demonising Desire: Men Who Buy Sex and Prostitution Policy in the United Kingdom
> Hash: SHA1
> http://www.researchforsexwork.org/editions/r4sw11.html
> Historically, the United Kingdom’s prostitution policy has
> focused upon sex workers and not their clients. But Home
> Secretary Jacqui Smith says it is time for that to change,
> proposing legislation that would criminalise the purchase of
> commercial sex with sex workers “controlled for another’s gain.”
> The government’s anti-client agenda began in 2006 with a
> campaign to criminalise kerb-crawlers and progressed into a
> second review of prostitution policy called Tackling Demand
> (Home Office, 2008). Smith’s recommendations have been
> incorporated into a Policing and Crime Bill currently under
> debate in the Houses of Parliament.
> ... (for more see the link, it's very hard to copy the text out of the pdf that
> is in columns)
> - --
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