[LAF] LAF Digest, Vol 53, Issue 13
VolodyA! V Anarhist
Volodya at WhenGendarmeSleeps.org
Sun Jul 12 12:06:10 UTC 2009
Hash: SHA1
steve ash wrote:
> On Vol's comments:
> I agree with almost all of it, though I'd be cautious as to whether all sex workers are no more exploited than other workers, I'd say there was a greater exploitation than most, though perhaps not as much as say a coal miner. We can't necessarily take peoples word for it. So on that one I'd agree there is a problem with much sex work more so than most forms of work. We just need to weed out the exploiters.
Ok, i'm not Marxist or Prodhonian, but Marx has laid out the way that wage
system could be non-exploitative:
"The working day of 12 hours is represented in a monetary value of, for example,
6 shillings. There are two alternatives. Either equivalents are exchanged, and
then the worker receives 6 shillings for 12 hours of labour; the price of his
labour would be equal to the price of his product. In that case he produces no
surplus-value for the buyer of his labour, the 6 shillings are not transofrmed
in to capital, and the basis of capitalist production vanishes."
Marx, Karl. Capital Volume 1 (quoted not from source, i have not read entire Das
So what we need to see is comparison between different industries. Prostitution,
which is often claimed to be the most abusive of all the sex work gives
prostitutes up to 80% and sometimes of more their earned money. I would like to
see the figures from other industries that people support, how much of the
earnings go to the worker? Do any bus drivers get 80% of all the ticket sales
that they make? Do lecturers get up to 80% off the tuition fees paid for their
- Volodya
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