[LAF] anarcha-feminism vs pseudo-feminism

VolodyA! V Anarhist Volodya at WhenGendarmeSleeps.org
Sat Jul 18 09:07:10 UTC 2009

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> Anarcha-feminism is very different, and is only really practicable by actual
> individual women in their own personal lives, men can never be
> anarcha-feminists, though they can and should give support. The
> anarcha-feminist does not deal in abstractions or generalisations but actual
> concrete situations, there is no collective action in anarchism other than
> the mutual aid freely expressed on a personal level. Ideally the struggles
> undertaken by the anarcha-feminist are self emancipatory and do not
> emancipate other people or even attempt to, as the only person who can
> liberate someone is themselves. However they can and should form mutual aid
> pacts with the disempowered women in order to help those women empower
> themselves (if they have the inclination and time).

That's an interesting definition you have. I don't think i've heard this one
before. I should say that for me 'anarchafeminism' means something different.
For me it's the continuation of the merger of the women's liberation and
anarchist politics that was started (in practical terms) by Emma Goldman. Unlike
some people who call themselves 'anarcha-feminists' today who take the worst
from two philosophies and combine it, Emma has managed to take the best. That
anarchist feminism was never exclusive (in fact Emma Goldman was constantly
criticised by women for giving talks on sex *to men* and by anarchists for
talking to *middle class* women), it championed free speech (in the argument
against Lenin, Emma Goldman has highlighted the censorship as one of the worst
evils of the early bolshevik regime). Oh and least we forget that it was never

Unfortunately during the life time of Emma Goldman the was no coherent
'anarcha-feminism' there was anarchism and feminism that happen to be in the
same individual, but the direction of the movement (and that's why they call it
a movement) was towards acceptance and unity.

So (even thought there are some issues on which i disagree with Emma Goldman), i
would shout at the top of my lungs "Bring back Red Emma!"

                    - Volodya

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