[matilda] roof gardens hack labs so forth..

worldwarfree at riseup.net worldwarfree at riseup.net
Wed Jul 13 18:00:49 BST 2005

what i from myself would like to see happen is to get the hack lab up and
going.. to start a evening meal collective so we can feed each other each
night.. i have a very poor eating habits and at very serious cost to our earth
this mother.. so eating on a collective basis would be cool from my own
perspective.. but it would mean we can meet eat and share good times and just
network.. why i cooked food for the last meeting.. planing to cook food for the
meeting on monday.. why i have worked with blue moon over the years.. food is
such a isue from every perspective.. we could all give 2 pounds a meal and eat
and live like the kings qeeens we are all and do less damage to this earth our
mother in the meantime.. oh a roof garden.. there are so meny dreams we could
make happen here.. but we need to stop dreaming and start doing.. lets aim for
one stage at a time.. so getting the hack lab going is where idd like to go..
well up for teaching shareing my skills and i know others are likewise.. an
hack lab i see as spring borad for the use of the space.. plus shareing and
cooking food is another easy goal we can do with no real work.. all paths lead
us to more paths.. oh monday matlida come alive what a cool way to rid the
negative from here than what we did.. fucking awsome i mean fucking awsome i
can not say what a joy monday was..


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