[matilda] Re: paying cleaners?! punk rocking

Amparo P Gutierrez amparo2yo at telefonica.net
Fri Nov 18 17:32:31 GMT 2005

> Utopia doesn't exist cos it's not possible

There is a bit of misunderstanding here about the word *Utopia* , we are 
using it in different ways as the term has various meanings.
Utopia does exist, not as an "ideal", pink world, a kind of "heavens" 
but following its literal verbatim meaning, non topos, no place,

Many early Socialists were Utopian and they created their colonies where 
to be free and develop the micro-society they wanted to live in.

Nobody lives in Matilda, that's a difference (except for the LTT). But 
what moves some of us is this other Utopia: something to reach out for, 
even if always unattainable: something that keeps evading us (as we live 
in a capitalist system). Aldous Huxley wrote a wonderful utopian fiction 
based in this real world : Island is its title.
Following many many others thinkers and philosophers: Campanella, Thomas 
Moro, the Utopian Socialists... the Fabian Society...

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