[matilda] from someone who HATES ART

Amparo P Gutierrez amparo2yo at telefonica.net
Thu Sep 8 16:37:06 BST 2005

... Hating Art, particularly Poets,
for no reason or mainly for this one:
without Art
Culture would be limp
(imagine a National Ministry of Culture
without a national anthem)
Why should my experience become
more serious more admirable
even awesome
definitely more respectable
when put into a sonnet
or printed as a gloss,
rather than in the plain language used
to address one's neighbour?

Yet these other beings
longing for immortality persist
I hate them all
who happen to convey me to other regions
than my lot's...

all hip hop composers are poets)...


AA, 1999 (published by Concrete at EAUn, 2000)


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