armchair hippy armchairhippy at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 24 11:56:37 GMT 2006

It was agreed that next Monday's meeting would have:
 1. Finance
 2. Future of The Building/ Yorkshire Forward's intentions
 as important items to be discussed.
 There may be other things like Security to be talked about
 and i think it would be a good opportunity to resolve any
 "bullying" or "harassment" felt by at least one person.
 Briefly, i'll mention how i see it from my point of view...
 it's kind of like a Chicken & Egg thing where 0742, for instance,
 feels people are being "impolite" and "ignoring" him.
 In turn, 0742 will harp on about this, something that's seen by everyone
 else as a minority issue, trying to get it raised as an agenda, etc.
 until people are sick of hearing about what is a real issue to a few
 people (not just 0742). Consequently, people "blank" 0742
 even more than before.
 At least 4 people who've had a pro-active involvement from an
 Art and Craft persuasion have ceased their involvement with Matilda
 over recent months (and not because of any Masonic connections!)
 Sometimes i think the general feeling amongst other collectives
 is that you have to be mentally unstable to be part the Art
 "collective". It may be true that more mind altering chemicals such as
 paint stripper and other accessories are used by the art people than
 in other collectives. The effect of using these chemicals may have
 something to do with non-art people suggesting that we're all bit mad
 (i too feel affiliated with the art "collective's" cause for surrealism and
 much needed out-of -the-box culture, if anything).
 By admitting that i too am a bit mad, i hope this doesn't prejudice the
 fact that i am gonna help keep a book of finances and slowly piece
 together the whereabouts of the loot. Just so collective users of the
 space can access funds to reimburse their expenses (within reason!).
 Maybe this stuff should be put on the wiki but i'm a luddite and refuse
 to put anymore techno jumble into my already worn out skull. If anyone
 has recently had an upgrade on their own brain, let us know where you got it done, etc. i'm willing to pay out of my own pocket (and not from Matilda's finances, i might add).
 Being friendly don't mean you'll get embroiled into another person's
 A. hippy

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