[matilda] So... what did you learn at the Matilda?

Amparo P Gutierrez amparo2yo at telefonica.net
Fri Jun 23 08:33:13 BST 2006

"So... what did you learn at the Matilda?" --he asked in earnest.
"I learnt to paint", I said.
"How's that?"
"My personal history, my story: I remembered my own past as a painter. 
Something or someone triggered that potential out of my brains, my eyes 
and hands, you see"
"Oh yes i'm far-sighted. Is that all?"
"No, i also learnt tolerance and respect for the English ethnic group, 
who most times showed tolerance and respect to me, even when unbearably 
"So, you're quite humble..."
"No, quite proud."
"I also learnt that youth is a terrible age, perhaps as terrible as old 
age. I learnt to look at myself and others from different viewpoints, to 
forget myself in others' words and actions, to look at beauty. Yes, I 
have learnt or remembered to look at beauty, in nature, in people, in 
even the ugliest surroundings... I could have made friends, indeed, but 
didn't attempt to."



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