[matilda] WHERE IS MOZAZ?

Joe Public iloveavocado at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 25 22:15:04 BST 2006

3 gig collective folk are in Matilda. Mozaz has the only key and has 
disappeared, after locking up and leaving last night. We got in by way of a 
spiderman-like punk, but he's gone now so we can't leave. Mozaz isn't 
answering his phone to us, so we're pretty stuck.

So, basically:

Does anyone know where Mozaz is???

Or alternatively, does anyone fancy coming and staying here overnight?

Mozaz: You're a fucking cock for denying people access to Matilda just 
before it closes, and playing stupid power games. You're evidently not 
responsible enough to have the only key, stop messing us around! Two of us 
have work first thing tomorrow, innit.

K/gig collective

ps, on a more posi note, nearly every band that's played Matilda is now 
painted up in the windows, people have been stopping to read it all day. 
There are some banners too, and some trousers that say 'YORKSHIRE FORWARD 
ARE PANTS' Ha ha ha ha, get it?

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