[pagan-magik] Tufnel Park

steve ash steveash_2001 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Nov 20 19:55:15 GMT 2004

So is anyone actually going tonight as we agreed?
>From where I'm standing it seems this network couldn't
organise a piss up in a brewery. :)
I'm going to phone round and see if anyone I know is
going and at least try and do a couple of hours there.

Failing that there's always next Friday. I  suggest it
would be a good idea if we actually stated on here
when we are going to be there and arranged to meet up
before hand. I'm quite disillussioned with this group
at the moment as it doesn't seem to be operating as a
network at all but rather a collection of individuals,
and quite frankly I can put my time to more productive

Lets start supporting each other instead of following
our own egos or private issues....



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