[pagan-magik] G8 Festival of Resistance

Adrian Harris adrian at gn.apc.org
Tue Apr 19 11:10:09 BST 2005

some brief feedback on the Festival of Dissent. Apologies to those who get
multiple copies.

Though not many of us made it, the Festival was excellent and we linked up
with other Pagans not on existing networks. We did a great ritual together
and have e-mail link up.

Several proposals emerged:
1) setting up a network of Spiritual Activists from other traditions to
create a larger group for mutual support at the G8. We already have
contacts with activist Buddhists, Christians and Jews.

2) Running one or more healing 'open days' where we would offer healing on
a donation basis to raise funds for the event. We would provide information
about the G8, food etc. London Tribe of Brigid are planning one for 15th May.

Several other ideas relating directly the Tribe of Brigid Healers have been
posted to members of that group. Let me know if you'd like to know more.

3) Running local training sessions. We propose London and Nottingham
initially. These would be over one or two days and include a G8 overview,
basic medical skills, Non-Violent Direct Action training, arrest advice,
magical activism techniques, stress management, etc. London Dragon are
arranging a training for June - Date to be confirmed.

4) Joining in the Cre8 summit in Scotland - a celebration of life showing
local people what the world we want to create might look like! Permaculture
gardens, healing space, art work and generally gorgeousness. Details will
be advised.

Comments on these appreciated!

Love and Power,

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