[pagan-magik] Pro G8

sean sean at hairyjedi.net
Mon Jan 10 01:39:57 GMT 2005

Finally had a chance to throw down my current thinking on this thread...

steve ash wrote:

>I'm actually thinking of supporting the G8 meeting
>this year! Why?
>The Tsunami disaster has opened the possibility of
>Third World Debt being abolished (or at least reduced

The possibility of the "third world" debt being abolished has always 
been there, but self-appointed world political "leaders" have 
continuously ignored that possibility.

It's ridiculous imho to give these people the benefit of the doubt after 
they have failed us so many times in the past. There's several other 
important responses to your post - quite important to me is the 
illegitimacy of the G8 organisation and it's constituent countries in 
the first place. The fact that they have the power to make the decisions 
they are making is cause for protest in itself...

I'm not much into the concept of the "state" in the first place and so 
your post reads (from my current angle, which is somewhat subject to 
occasional change) as a kind of equivalent to "I Supporting the US 
invasion of Iraq because maybe they'll pull out of Iraq one day"... I 
don't think reform is possible within these organisations and I'm 
generally more in favour of abolishing this group rather than attempting 
reform but yeah, I am glad to see they are on the defensive as was 
pointed out in another post....

On the other hand, many of the folk who will be going to protest this 
year won't be in favour of abolishing the G8 or shutting down their 
meeting, but will be there to urge the G8 to drop debts and think about 
the environment and what is needed in the world... I agree that much 
more thought and energy needs to be directed at these highly important 
issues, but these folks shouldn't be in a position where they are making 
decisions that affect the rest of us...

Cheers all


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