[pagan-magik] RE:Thoughts after Bolivian Embassy London-El Alto

raga woods raga_woods at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 5 13:00:48 GMT 2005

This is For Mother's Day n International Women's Day...Pachamama Lives.
It is a small contribution...please send it out to anyone who might be moved 
and nourished and encouraged.
I am at my mother's house struggling to communicate with her and bring about 
some healing of the heart...so i must awaay to the sitting room for another 
cup of tea.

Hi.....well done all of us who turned up at the Bolivian Embassy on Friday 
morning...hope we can set up a flourishing and interactive link with the 
struggling people of El Alto.
When I was there there were very poor internet facilities up there but down 
in the city of LaPaz there was very good connection, lots of internet 
cafes.....i wonder how we are to set up a good connection with the people 
who are working so hard to get their message out to the world...I was 
thinking a lot about this when I was there.
I still think it would be a very good idea to have a group of 
techno-activists based in La Paz who are connected with the developing 
situation as it unfolds.
I plan to get some of the photographs I have of the people I met in the 
hospital avaailable online, this is new technology for me but I know it is 
possible to send those pictures across the world...maybe I can find out how 
they are, how they are recovering, if those who sustained terrible burns and 
wounds are back with their families. I know some of them very sadly, would 
not make it, but those who did, it would be great to re-connect, let them 
know i still care.
Whenever I look at those pictures I feel so close to them and yet so 
dis-connected at the same time, maybe we can use technology to retain 
connections in very rooted ways no matter where we are in the world.
Maybe tourists who make a relationship with the local people where they take 
a holiday and can be helped to develop an ongoing connection.
What do people think?
Things are changing fast....FairTrade etc etc....there is a world connected 
movement that can dissolve the corporate greed-creed because deep down we 
all know it is the greatest challenge of humanity....to re-connect to the 
planet that is our home.

When I came back at the end of 2003 most people were saying...... but I 
never knew that all these terrible things were going on in Bolivia. Some 
people felt that they wanted to know more and I had many conversations about 
how we are all being 'protected' from the grassroots movements all over the 
world. Everywhere people are wanting to understand each other and everywhere 
there is an insidious process of dumbing down through the media.
People in the Americas are so alive, so aware, so active, so connected to 
They need to be heard, they are calling us. They are urgently asking us to 
develop communications that go beyond anything we have yet dreamed of.
We can help these people have a world voice.They can help us find what it is 
that we really want to say.
Hey folks, I think the Guardian is not enough!

We all know the media is not serving us effectively.
We know that what we are saying needs to be heard in new creative 
ways....NOW....and all over the world.....our news must enable us all to 
feel connected to the basic issues, to actively show respect for the great 
mystery of life. If we do not there will soon be nothing to write home 
We all need to keep communicating about our planet and the wise use of her 
gifts or resources, our water, our air and all that is the very fabric of 
It is a huge debate.
And yes, Indymedia is great but not enough, how do we get this sense of 
connection happening in the street.
Maybe we have to work in ways we have not yet dreamed of. We have to go 
mainstream and underground at the same time like water....we are ready.

We are the people we have been waiting for.

The Kogi Indians of Colombia are trying to communicate directly with us 
about their situation and also about the relationship we younger brothers 
are developing to our planet, they can help us to deepen and widen our 
communications. We can enable ourselves to go beyond political and 
geographical boundaries in a trice

I personally do not feel happy just talking about who has the right to 
profit from the gas. If we are looking at the whole situation and actively 
working with respect for future generations, we have to consider the real 
alternative....searching for a sustainable answer right now.

I went to a weekend conference on cohousing, one architect said that 
strawbale building can be so successful that there is no need to worry about 
providing heating in the winter...rather cooling in the summer is the 

If we are searching with an open mind we can begin to understand what the 
Kogi are telling us. They say we are plundering the vital organs of our 
mother, they say we are killing her, they say the world will go black, 
unless we come to our senses...maybe senses that we do not know we have 
available to us.....but the Kogi and many other indigenous people have 
developed these senses and they want to help us SeeFeel  in new ways.
Also they say it is not too late.
Alan Ereira who has just come back from a meeting with them is telling us 
that in spite of their current situation that they are positive and doing 
all they can to reach out to us. They even commissioned their own map of 
their lands using Global Positioning techniques which I am sure they 
understand a lot better than I do. Amazing! Alan has the map, he can get 
copies made, we can set up some kind of direct communication system...we 
have to.

I know that these people have managed to stay connected to an Earth wisdom 
that we 'educated' ones cannot fully comprehend. They are able to see what 
we are doing and also see that we are onto something, that our machines can 
help us save us from ourselves.
That is quite amazing, isn't it?
Alan says he trusts them like no other human beings he knows.
Their ability to profoundly sense reality and to possibly create a new 
language between the living mother earth and her desperate people using our 
How can we send this kind of encouragement to our sisters n brothers in 
Bolivia and throughout the Americas and the world.

We should be asking, do we really want to extract that gas or can we take a 
leap into another kind of development, as they did in Cuba.
Another way, another reality, another level of earth-connection and earth 
consciousness is possible.
All mystic and global and techno powers to us all.
Greetings from the heart...Raga

>From: Amancay Colque <amancay at postmaster.co.uk>
>Reply-To: amancay at postmaster.co.uk
>To: boliviasc at postmaster.co.uk
>Subject: Bolivian Embassy London-El Alto
>Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2005 02:41:13 +0000
>Dear Friends,
>this is just to let you know about the picket outside the Bolivian Embassy, 
>organised by friends and supporters of the Bolivia Solidarity Campaign.
>Please follow the link  http://bolivia.indymedia.org/es/2005/03/15476.shtml
>A big thank you to all of you who participated in the picket in such a cold 
>Create your own safe chat rooms.
>http://www.homemaster.net - Homemaster. Come Together. Online.

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