[pagan-magik] PMA Minutes -> Dark Carnivale G8 Freak Show

sean sean at hairyjedi.net
Sun Mar 6 12:33:00 GMT 2005

Meeting Minutes PMA RFH 28.02.05

* Dark Moon Rite 10/3/03

The main thing we discussed at the 28/02/05 meeting was the next dark moon ritual
on 10/03/05. 

Because many of the people who were at the meeting are going to a Discordian Meetup
on monday night[1], we decided to keep the chaotic/discordant energy 
flowing until the thursday night ritual.

Oh did I forget to mention the G8 meeting going on from 10/3/05 til 11/3/05. 
Yeah, so the dark moon fits into the middle of their 'employment ministers' meeting.

Because other PMA folk who were in attendance have been working on the 
Bugs Bunny/Yog Sothoth BBYS current, it was decided to use this archetype as the 
main energetic focus for the ritual (with Pantherius as Ringmaster performing the BBYS 
version of Chaos Mass Y in C sharp).

We decided to open a portal to the realm of BBYS and to leave the 
doorway to that portal on the actual doorway to where the G7/8 were having their 
meeting. As the G8 walk into their meeting, they'll actually be entering the realm of BBYS 
and no doubt their pencils will snap the lead off every time they try to write. A 
very cunning plan of ours if I say so myself!

Due to the bizarreness of BBYS archetype, it was decided that the best 
way to create such a portal doorway was through circus performance. But as it was a 
dark moon it's a bit of a dark circus. Some folk are calling the rite "The Insane Clown 
Posse"... I'm calling it simply "The Dark Carnivale G8 Freak Show".

Things turned weird.

Or should I say wyrd.

There are always three witches in magic circles - anyone who has ever 
watched a witch movie would know that ! And the Dark Carnivale Freak Show is no 
different... Instead of the wyrd sisters though, we'll be working with The Very Wyrd Sisters 
(and weird they are! I can tell you!)

So in this circus big tent/BBYS portal, we'll be wearing Dark Carnival 
G8 Freak Show masks, raising the big top, playing dark circus choonz and creating as 
much chaos as possible in order to get a really strong portal going...

Then we leave the ritual space, leaving up the big top, leaving up the 
portal and go on our merry way.

Hey - all welcome! Watch this space[2] for details on time and venue....

* Decide Final Venue. Either Green Park tube station, or, if we know 
where the G8 folk are having their meeting, have the ritual there.
* Find out if Ian G**y is free. We'd like him (or someone similar) to 
lead us out on a bicycle with a stereo.
* Get Clown Masks and MakeUp
* Make sure the cold weather is not going to be an issue (RUG UP!!)
* bring noise makers
* Sacha and Sara to create path working.
* Get Dark Carnivale CD organised (in progress!!)
* Go to the Discordian Meetup
* Finalise this ritual Outline - and confirm a venue!! - and send this 
out to the masses...

That's it.

[1] http://discordians.meetup.com/45/events/
[2] http://lists.aktivix.org/pipermail/pagan-magik/2005-March/date.html

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